Chapter 20

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"Hello, Elizabeth. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here because I was told I needed to talk to you in order to take my daughter home."

"She's fine. I am perfectly capable of caring for her."

I growled. It had started to rain, but I didn't care.

"She's my daughter. You were never around when I needed you, so that doesn't entitle you to see her at all. Ever."

"I didn't have a choice!"

"So, as soon as I get pregnant, you decide that our relationship is too difficult and back out?" the octaves in my voice were rising.

"It's not like that."

"Oh? Then tell me, Sherlock Holmes. Tell me why you left me when I needed you most."

"I can't."

"That's what I thought. You don't want a family! You can't handle it!"

I started to walk away, but he wasn't done yet.

"It's not my decision."

"Then whose is it? Whose?"

"Moriarty!" He yelled the name as loud as he could.

"How is it his decision?"

"He told me I had to break up with you or he would kill you! I was just protecting you!"

I laughed.

"Protecting? Sherlock, you ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped it into oblivion."

The rain had gotten harder now and I could barely see him three feet in front of me.

"That's never what I intended!"

I half believed him. But nothing could have prepared me for what he said next.

"Elizabeth Cumberbatch, I am still in love with you!"

"What?" my voice was only a little higher than a whisper.

"You don't know how much it hurt me when I saw you take off the ring I so dearly wanted you to wear!"

"You... still love me?"

"Yes!" He sounded relieved that I had finally grasped what he trying say.

By then my heart had jumped into my throat. He still loved me. But no, he couldn't just say that he loved me while standing in the rain looking beautiful and just expect me to want to get back together.

"Well, it doesn't change much. You have to prove it to me." I then started to walk towards the busy street

"And by the way, I'm taking MY daughter home with me."

All of a sudden, a taxi swerved off the road and came straight at me.

This is it. I thought. This is it for sure. I'm going to die.

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