"I need to help you." Gracie pleaded. "I said I was fine." He scoffed. "Your not. And im gonna help you weather you like it or not. If i don't then the guilt wont let me sleep tonight." Gracie looked into his eyes. Gracie thought that it was beautiful the way that they sparkled in the moonlight, along with the bright red blood that was oozing out of the corner of his busted up lip. Not that she was some type of sociopath, she just thought it looked... aesthetic.

"Get up. We're going to my house." Gracie helped him up. "Eddies coming, right?" He questioned. "Who? Wheezy? Yeah, he'll come," She looked over at the boy who followed them out of the alleyway.

Trashmouth was strong enough to climb up the window by himself, but Wheezy on the other hand was having a hard time so Gracie had to give him a boost.

Thrashmouth sat on the end of her bed as she was kneeled down in front of him, while Wheezy passed her all of the medications from his fanny packs. There was a spongebob band aid on the bottom of his chin near his left cheekbone, and one on his temple near his eyebrow. Soon it was time to move onto his stomach.

"Okay, trashmouth. For this next step your have to take your shirt off." Gracie instructed, as she folded her hands. He smirked a teasing smirk. One that Gracie was happy to see, but one that she was annoyed by as well.

"Hurry up, will ya!" She rushed him, not really having enough patience for the trashmouth's bullshit. She couldn't get caught with someone in her room past eight; let alone without the Andersons consent.

The trashmouth lifted up his shirt and as soon as Grace took one look she winced as if all the pain was carried on to her. Wheezy looked away quickly and started taking huge puffs of his aspirator.

He had purple bruises scattered all over his abdominals and a very large gash in the center. Dry blood sprinkled all over the scar, and his left rib seemed slightly broken.

"What did you say?!" She looked at the frown on his face.

"Eddie and I were just going to pick up his medicine before heading off to the arcade and then we bumped into Bowers and his gang. I spit at him to watch were he was going, unaware of who it was i was talking to. After that he pinned my to the wall and he told me to run my pockets, but all i had was tokens. He didn't believe me and so he asked me again, and then-" he paused. "And then what?" Gracie poked.

"I asked him if he was always this stupid or was today just a special occasion." He slightly smirked. It was unbelievable how ignorant one can be, even after they were almost beaten to death. "He's such and idiot."  The small boy murmured to himself while shaking his head. Gracie rolled her eyes and then proceeded to grab the alcohol wipes.

She cleaned and patched him up in silence, and it remained like that for the rest of the night.

"Hey, Gracie," The trashmouth shot up. He was spread out on her bed while Wheezy read some magazines in the corner of her room, and she sat next to her bookshelf neatly painting her nails. Gracie wasn't so surprised he knew her name; she was after all the most popular drunkie in the school.

"What?" She finally replied. "Do you have any food around here?" He obliviously asked. "Are you fucking serious, Richie? Its fucking ten o'clock at night!" Wheezy shrieked. "Relax, Eds. Im sure Gracie here would love to give me a tour around the house." He raised and eyebrow at her.

She looked up annoyed and rolled her eyes. "The Andersons would kill me." She simply replied. "But they're asleep." He sat up on the bed. She looked at her blankly white door and then back at Richie. She shrugged.

"Im hungry too. Lets go, trashmouth." She spoke.

They tiptoed out the room and down the stairs, into the kitchen. "So what are we gonna eat tonight, hot stuff?" He leaned on the counter. "I wont feed you anything if you keep on being obnoxious." She coldly replied. "Ouch. I've already been hurt enough tonight" he made clear. "Yeah well maybe if you learned to keep your mouth shut you would be fine." She struggled to open a box of goldfish.

"I cant help it Grey," he winked, "its what i do best."

"First of all: my name is Grace. Do i look like a fucking color to you? Didn't think so. And second: this is the last time im ever gonna try to help you if you don't control that mouth of yours" She snapped. Richies face broke into a wide grin. She looked cute when she snapped. She looked even cuter as she struggled to open the box of goldfish.

"Your right, but talking isn't the only thing my mouth needs to learn how to stop doing" Richie bat his eyes at her. "I will fucking punch you," she continued to struggle with the box.

"Here. Let me help you." Richie took the box from her and opened it with a pocket knife he pulled out of his back pocket. "Where'd you get that?" Gracie raised an eyebrow.

"Henry dropped it when he heard that Eddie was going to get help."  He shoved a handful of goldfish in his mouth. Grace observed his despicable actions.

"Hey Richie," she blurt out. "Yeah, Grey?" He was fast to reply.

Gracie tightened up at the name a little, but she let it go.

"Whats your favorite arcade game?" Gracie smiled. "Uh, street fighters, i guess." He stuffed another palm of goldfish in his mouth.

Street fighters, Gracie thought. Thats all she needed to know all about the boys' personality.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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