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Life was great, especially in Derry. In the winter you would go ice skating and snowboarding with your friends and in the summer you would go buy the rocket pops for a dime and go swimming to the lake or the quarry till sundown. Every school night you would go over your best friends house and watch movies until curfew and you would ride your bike home while the sun was setting, which gave you a chance to watch the beautiful sun go back into its slumber. Life was fucking amazing as a kid. Well, for everyone besides Grace Ross.

Grace was wasn't your usual preppy girl at Derry high, or your usual teenage girl in Derry. She didn't necessarily have friends. But nonetheless, she never really mind. Adults weren't really fond of her either. She was a real bad influence in their eyes, and they weren't wrong. But this was all before she turned ten. At ten years old she was already trying all different types of alcohol and drugs with no one to look after her. suicidal thoughts taking over her head as her depression taunted her in her sleep.

Now shes fourteen years old; a pothead with an alcohol problem, as most like to call her. Shes matured and changed drastically over the years but one thing that would never change was her love for the arcade.

It didn't make her feel like a druggy or a drunky, as the kids at her school preferred. It made her feel like a kid... all over again. It made her feel like her problems were slowly fading away even though she was well aware that they weren't. But she still believed they did because kids don't deal with problems; they don't have anything to deal with anyways.

Someday she wishes to have kids of her own. She wants to be a better care taker than her own parents were. Her parents left her in a ditch and social services found her and put her into foster care when she was three. She escaped foster care though. Roughly around when she was ten. Since last summer, shes been living with Harper and The Andersons. Shes also been put into therapy and rehab, but she escaped that too; twice.

Out of all the shit shes found her way out of, the only thing she cant ever find to escape from is the dinner table.

Harper stared her down as she passed the chicken. "Thank you," Grace barely looked up from her plate. The only reason the Andersons took her in was because they believed that the Lord found good in everyone and they did too. I mean, shes learned a thing or two from Sunday school and that was surely one of them, but to her it was all bullshit.

Grace felt uneasy at the dinner table. She wasn't sure if it was the new pills she bought from the junkie down the street but it sure was making an effect on her. "May i be excused for a second?" Grace politely asked. One thing that she learned on her own without the help of parents was how to be polite, which even kids who did have parents still didn't know how to do. She learned that you'll always get your way if your polite.

"Yes you may, sweetie" Rielle Anderson smiled at her. Grace gave her a short one-second smile as she stood up and made her way to the bathroom.

She looked at herself in the mirror in front of her. The thing that popped out the most in her reflection was the dark deep circles placed at the bottom of her eyes. She laid her head in her hands as her stomach began to do whirlies and her head began to throb. "Whats the matter, druggy?" Harper appeared in the the door frame. "Popped a little too many pills last night?" She smirked.

"Im sure i wasn't the only thing popping shit last night. I swear i see a new boy come out of that room every night," Grace shook her head at the thought. "I knew something fishy was happening in that room of yours... or was it just the smell of your vagina?" She smirked her signature smirk. The smirk that makes everyone pop off on her; not just pills and cherries.

Gracie was met with a stinging sensation colliding with her face. Gracie brought her head back up to meet with Harpers fuming eyes. However, that evil grin still played on Graces face. "Stray," Harper insulted. "Whore," Gracie easily came back at her, as the grin grew larger. Harper slapped her again; this time harder.

Just that this time, when Gracie was hit, her teeth were pressed into her inner lip and the metallic taste of the scarlett fluid was taking over her taste buds as it dripped to the corner of her lips. She knew the joke that she made about Harper being a slut wasn't all that funny but she wasn't looking for funny; she was looking for attention. Thats all she really needed in life. attention. Something she never really grew up with.

"Harper! Gracie! Where did you girls go off to?" Ms. Anderson called out. Harper glared at Grace for a minute before finally heading off to her seat, while Gracie stayed back and cleaned herself up.

"Wheres Gracie?" Ms. Anderson asked. "Shes washing her hands." Harper replied.

Gracie still had the same exact grin implanted on her face as she stared at herself in the mirror. "My life is so fucked." She said in a raspy voice as her Grin spread larger, from one end of her face to the other.

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