Nightmare Island

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Day 1.

          Today marks my first day on this ghoul infested place. It feels like just yesterday I was at home freaking out about daddy long legs instead of fighting off these mammoth sized spiders. It was a short yet shocking journey to this island, I was on vacation to the Bahamas. I had expected to be shorter in travel time because I was already in Florida visiting my deceased aunts grave. Unknowingly I had steered my yacht into the Bermuda Triangle. When I had heard stories of the Triangle making people disappeared in the past I had just dismissed them as tall tales. I never would have thought that one day I myself would get stranded somewhere in the Triangle. I am very low on supplies because on the way through I got caught in the middle of a huge storm and lost my boat. Night is upon us I must find shelter.

Day 2.

          Today is only my second day on this island yet it feels like it's been an eternity. Today I ran into an actually breathing person or so I had thought. I had been searching the island for food maybe signs of life that weren't out to kill me. So I found a hut that was about 5ft tall and 9ft wide. It had garlic hanging from every part of the straw roof. I decided to see if anyone was in there. Inside had straw layed out on the floor like it was a carpet, there were shelves or holes in the red clay walls that were full of clothes, that were made with an animal print I was unfamiliar with it was black with red spots all over. After looking around the room a little bit I stumbled upon a staircase that led down into the ground, I followed the stairs down feeling uneasy about what might be at the bottom. When I had reached the bottom it was pitch black and smelt like rotting meat and cheap perfume. I ran my hands along the walls working my through the room to try to find food, water, or maybe more clothing. I tripped over something and fell onto something that smelt disgusting just like rotting flesh, I felt around trying to find something to help me get up.I reached up and felt something shaped like a deformed ball with strings hanging from it I felt around it more and pushed myself away from it in fright, I had figured out that it was a skeleton head! I stood up found the stairs and got out of that place as fast as I could. As I was walking back to the tree I had spent the night under I heard someone behind me say "Madam?" I turned around and didn't see anyone again I heard "Madam?" I turned around even faster and again saw nothing so I continued walking till I made it back. Night came quickly after and I am now struggling to sleep.

Day 3.

          I woke up this morning starving, I hadn't eaten anything for two days now! I understand some people might say I'm weak but seriously I need my food. I decided to break a branch off a tree and try to catch some fish. I spent about an hour plunging my stick at fish before I have up. I went for a little stroll along the water trying to come up with a way to get off this island when saw something in the corner of my eye I froze for a minute when this 70ft long centipede scurried right by me. At this point I was kind of desperate, so I took the giant stick I had and plunged it into the centipedes massive body. I tore off it's exoskeleton and scooped out the mushy inside. I had eaten plenty of weird things in my life but this definitely beats them all. As I put it in my mouth I couldn't help but gag it was the most revolting thing ever. It tasted like throw up that had been heated up and served with a side of mint crackers. When I finished my stomach turning meal I heard a girl screaming and it was coming from the way the hut was. I ran towards the hut as fast as I could to try to assist the screamer. When I arrived I didn't see a girl but a tall man with dark hair and only black clothes on. There was something about him that seemed inhuman. I walked towards him very hesitantly, but right as I got close to him my head started to feel fuzzy and everything went black.

Day 4.

          I opened my eyes and did not know where the crap I was I thought had been to every place on this island. Everything was made of brick and had a mid evil feel. I tried to leave but I was handcuffed to the brick wall by both my feet and hands. The man I had seen last night ascended down from the stairs in front of me. He said to me "You have saved me my dear, for I have run out of animals to feed upon." My voice a little shaky, I replied "So, I'm supposed to be your next meal?" "Yes, you are the only source of fine blood left for me." I freaked out and started trying to rip free from my chains. He told me it was no use, but I could tell with how old this place was I could wiggle my way out. The supposed vampire left the room why? I have no idea, I'm just glad he left. I finally got one arm free it was severely bruised, but it was free. After I got the rest of my limbs free I ran up the stairs hoping that I wouldn't run into 'Dracula.' I eventually found my way out and when I got out I did not look back. If I had looked back and he was chasing me I have no idea what I would have done. Eventually I made it to the beach and tried to hide in the trees.

Day 5.

          Today was probably the best day of my life. I woke up and decided to do an s.o.s. in the sand. After a couple hours I tried to start a fire and with no luck I started to give up, but just then a ship pulled up to the beach and a very handsome young man hopped off and talked to me. Apparently his name is Damon, he hurried me onto his ship telling me about the dangers of this island. I laughed and said "Yeah, I know it's really horrible." We left Nightmare island and are now on the open sea, or more correctly the ocean. I am now truly happy and I never ever want to go back there. But thankfully with everything bad that comes along good things will follow.


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