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felix did not wake up alone this time as changbin was still deep in sleep. a smile spread across his face he only just wished it could be like this everyday. however that was unlikely in his current situation, so he nuzzled his head into changbin's chest trying to saver the moment for as long as possible. the sound of the door cracking slightly indicating someone was entering is what caused felix to look up. he was meet with chans eyes.

"ah your awake come and help me make breakfast"

"no" felix whined dragging out the 'o' not wanting to leave his changbin alone.

"felix" chan used his serious voice which is what usually made the members do what he wanted.

with a sigh he slowly stood leaving the warm embrace of changbin ensuring to take one last look at face before walking out of the door. it wa still early in the morning so non of the others were awake yet. just felix and chan.

"so i was thinking that we could go out today just us" chan suggested as he continued to prepare the pancakes.

"umm yeah but what about the comeback"

"well i just released that us assies haven't spend time together in such a long time and anyway it's our day off"

felix cringed slightly at chan's word but couldn't help but smile. chan was literally the sweetest person he has ever meet and he was so glad.

"yeah okay sounds like a plan"

now it was chan's turn to smile. his aim was to try and distract felix for changbin for as a long as possible he couldn't bear to see him suffering and was prepared to do anything to help him through his situation.

once the pancakes were finished the two boys left for the day leaving minho in charge of the rest of the kids. the sounds of the front door shutting was what pulled changbin out of sleep. he wondering who was leaving on their very rare day off. this thought soon left his head tho as he rolled over and saw the sleeping figure of hyunjin. he let out the smile that was forming. hyunjin looked so beautiful when he was sleeping and changbin cursed anyone that dared to wake up the sleeping angel.

he left the bed and made his way over to the boy and moved a few strands of hair out of his eyes. he let his figure trace over his cheeks and run down his neck. he felt hyunjin shiver under his touch in his sleep which just made changbin ever happier. reluctantly he left the boy and went down the kitchen. he first saw the notes that was lying on the counter top which read

minho is in charge me and felix have gone out for the day so we will see you guys later this evening. please make sure the house is still standing by the time we get back of you all will in for it.
your favourite leader channie.
and your favourite felix felix xxx

the pureness and innocence of the notes was to much for changbin to handle this early in the morning. the others were still asleep so he sat on the couch and waited patiently.

first was seungmin followed closely by jeongin. jisung and minho came out together a while later and the finally hyunjin.

when hyunnjin entered the living room he immediately went and sat with changbin. his eyes were still heavy from sleep as he flopped down leaning his head rest on changbin legs. just like a reflex changbin's hands went straight to his hair and hyunjin's eyes closed.

"jinnie you can't go back to sleep you've only just woke up" changbin said with a small giggle.

"well it's your fault if you weren't so comfortable i wouldn't have this issue"

"okay up you get jinnie" another person said as they sat down. it was seungmin.

hyunjin lifted himself from changbin and moved over the cuddle seungmin which the younger boy gladly accepted. hyunnjin playful pocked his tongue out at changbin when he saw the older looking at the two. he just rolled his eyes in return containing a small smile.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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