Cat Café AU Part 2: Alphonse X Reader

Start from the beginning

"Well.... he's incredibly cute and he's been coming here often." (Y/n) stated. "He's so interesting.... even when he's just petting Mrs. Bells."

"Damn, I haven't seen you  this ditzy.... well, ever." She remarked, spying into (Y/n) eyes, as she saw a lovestruck look on her dopey face. "Go ask him out! If you admire him that much, then just go for it. Take him on a date for Valentine's Day!" She ordered.

"Well... I have been thinking of getting him something." (Y/n) takes out a large mug, with mini golden cat ears coming from the top. "I thought it'd be cute since he comes here so often."

"I think you should personalize it more." She added, grabbing a permanent marker from a desk in the back room. Her coworker started writing until she turned around the mug and showed her what she wrote.

"That's super cute! Thanks!" She gave her coworker, Chloe, a generous hug before checking the time

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"That's super cute! Thanks!" She gave her coworker, Chloe, a generous hug before checking the time. "It's almost 3! I better start making his tea." (Y/n) rejoiced, tying her hair into a ponytail before getting his tea ready. She usually sees him wait a few minutes before drinking it, so she's trying to make sure the tea has cooled down a bit before he arrives.

Meanwhile, Alphonse is nervously driving to the café, with (Y/n)'s favorite sweet, in a cute red bag. The sweet had a cute bow on it, with a charming bouquet of your favorite flowers coming out of the bag.

He slowly pulled into the cafés' parking lot. He unbuckled and grabbed his work bag, before reaching for the bag and stopping, his hand frozen over the red bag as thoughts bolted through his head. What if she doesn't like it? Will she reject me? Alphonse took a deep breath in, before slowly grabbing the bag with his hand and going out of the car.

The chime of the door's bell made my head turn to the source of the noise. I see the charming golden-haired man I'm so used to seeing every day, I'm not complaining, though. I reach to adjust my uniform, my hands getting clammy from my sudden nervousness.

I freeze for a second, her enchanting (e/c) eyes as she sweetly smiles at me, as she waves to me. I feel my heart pounds against my ribcage, as I try to walk over to the counter as her eyes are on me.

"H-Hi!" I stammered as I glanced over to the cute mug on the pickup station.

"I bought that for you the other day. I knew you could be interested in it, so I had my friend write your name on it so I could always tell what mug to make your tea in." She explained, her cheerful yet sincere expression as she said it. I feel my heart swirl, as her eyes studied mine for a reaction. "What do you think?"

"I love it!" I exclaimed, leaning over the counter as I glance up and see our noses almost touching. I frantically back up. "S-Sorry!" I shouted, getting the attention of some of the café members. I feel embarrassed as she tries to calm me down, while her face is a light shade of pink.

"It's ok!" She muttered as she handed me my apple bread before smiling at me. I walk over to my table, with both my bread, tea, and the bag in hand.

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