Prologue (CONT'D)

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Previously on The Maze of Bones:

Grace has a guest who will tell the Cahill the future. What will happen next?

Things in bold are for you guys to read.


Gia's POV

(My character's thoughts=italics) *This is what my character was thinking during Prologue

Okay, so you may be wondering who I am, because I say I'm from the future, just arrived at Grace's mansion mysteriously, and Grace's thoughts. Also, I want to proved trustworthy. I just wanted Grace to know some stuff during the Clue Hunt she started. Let me just say I'll probably be uncomfortable around these Cahills. Isabel Kabra is going to be here!!!!! Ughhh. I only invited her, because she seemed important, but she gives me the creeps. I wonder if the people I read about in my book look and are just as powerful. But here I am, a sort of normal girl, who is probably not even part of the Cahill family (Not that I wanted to be in it in the first place), this is juuuuuuuust great (being sarcastic while "thinking" that). I thinks it's time for me to introduce myself to the other Cahills. By the way, I have telepathy powers, so I can hear what certain people are thinking about. This is going to be fun. (rubs hands)


Gia's POV (Back to present)

The Cahills that I requested for are here and the ones with children had requested a babysitter. Yippee! I'm in Grace's kitchen, looking for snacks, because I didn't eat anything before coming here. I found some barbecue chips and sat down in a nearby chair I found. Grace told me to wait here, so she can tell the Cahills where to sit and how to behave. She would come here, then I would tell the Cahills who I am. I hope they will take this the right way. Boy,was I wrong. I'm not actually going to stay here. Lucky for me, I know the way around Grace's mansion. The Cahill family are in for a surprise.


Grace's POV

I'm having trouble with this stubborn bunch. They are just being arrogant. I told them that someone here is from the future and knows about the Cahill family. I also said we should be cautious if she does something out of line. Although, she doesn't seem like the girl to carry weapons.

"I think we should do this, after all this is about our children, we're talking about here." Hope said. "She could be using us also." Isabel said. "Why don't I let her come in here, so you can determine if she's trustworthy or not?" I suggested. I went to the kitchen and found her eating barbecue chips. She looked up and asked, "I'm guessing it's time for me to meet the other Cahills?" I nodded. She followed me back to the living room.

Gia's POV

As I followed Grace, I was thinking about the look on their faces when they see a young girl just walk in. I was honestly worried how I would prove how trustworthy I am.

We finally reached the living room. They all were talking about something, but then realized we were standing there. Grace looked at me and gestured for me to introduce myself.

"Hi! My name's Gia. I'm the girl who has this," I said while holding the Maze of Bones, "And knows all your secrets." "How can we trust you?" Irina asked. "What about I tell you one of your secrets that no one knows about?" "That's a good idea," Arthur said. "Who wants to go first?" Grace asked. "Seeing how no else is going first, I guess I will," Alistar said. "Grace, where could we go, so that no one can hear us?'" I asked. "The library," she said, "it's right next to my bedroom."

Once we were in the library, he sat down and I asked, "May I please see your cane?" He looked at me suspiciously and asked, "Why?" "It's really pretty and I'm just curious." I said. He handed it to me and I said, "This is one of your secrets, isn't it?" He seemed taken aback from my question and asked, "What do you mean?" I internally groaned and said, "You have a hidden camera, a titanium-reinforced safe for concealing stolen hints, or Clues, may I say, and a black light in this (holding up his cane)." He was shocked, to say the least, and finally said, "How would you know?" I just remembered I haven't put my backpack down, so I put it down and opened it. "I come prepared. I have a book called The Black Book of Buried Secrets with your secret in it. Now, you believe me?" I said while giving it back to him. "Yes," he said, but I heard his thoughts. 'How could this girl get involved with this, especially with the Cahill family?' he thought.

Ooh, looks like Gia has some tricks up her sleeves. I know it's been awhile since updated this, a loooooong tome, but hallelujah summer! Stay tuned for some other secrets Gia has for the Cahill adults.

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