
The next morning I was woken up by Kala who was wearing a sad smile on her face. 

"What?" I asked in my sleepy voice. "You look like you've seen a ghost." I shot but she remained silent and just stared at me. "Kal?" I called as I saw her eyes getting teary.

"What happened to you there?" She asked taking me completely aback.


"You slept without a shirt and when you were asleep the covers fell to the floor. I've seen those scars on your body. What are they?" She asked.

"Kala. I was at War. Of course I was going to come back with scars." I lied making her think that those injuries on my body were completely normal.

"But-" she started.

"There is no need for a but here. I'm alright. I'm me. I'm back. You don't need to be worried okay?" I said as I straightened myself up.

"Okay." She answered flashing me a smile. "Now you better get up and get ready cause Lauren is already downstairs waiting for you." She shot and my eyes widened.

"Oh shit." I exclaimed as I got up quickly and began looking for clothes in my old drawers. 

"One more thing." Kala said causing me to bring my attention back to her. "This whole thing with Lauren, do you think it's a good idea? Last time you let her in your life, she broke your heart." She said worry all over her voice.

"Don't worry about that. We are being friends that's all." I said with a slight smile.

"I just wouldn't want you to go back to Afghanistan. It was hard enough to live 6 years without you." She said and I could tell she wanted to cry at the moment. I walked to her quickly and cupped her cheeks.

"For your information baby girl, even if she does hurt me again, I don't plan on running away this time." I stated trying to reassure her and I knew I had succeeded when a smile appeared on her face. I quickly kissed her forehead before I chased her out of my room to get ready for the day.

After 30 minutes I finally was ready and walked down the stairs to greet Lauren. As I saw her sitting on the couch and looking at me I started walking towards her with a smile on my face. But on my way there, I got stopped by my mum who threw her arms around me and hugged me tight. 

"Mum. Are you okay?" I asked as I hugged her back. 

"Yeah just enjoying the fact that you are back." She whispered in my ear before disappearing again. I looked at her a frown on my face before just laughing to myself and walking back to the living room where I Lauren was. 

Lauren/You - Childhood Sweethearts - (Mini-Series)Where stories live. Discover now