Running for my Life

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hi everyone! This is just a prologue, so its gonna be short. hope u like, and dont forget to comment and vote!!!  


bum. bum. bum. The steady rythm of my bare feet hitting the hot Kentucky pavement was soothing. I don't know where I was running, I was simply going wherever my feet would take me. I wanted to get away. Away from it all. Away from my life.

It's not like I had a bad life, my mom was really caring, and I had a handful of friends, all totally awesome. But something about my life didn't seem right. I had always felt like I didn't fit. I felt like I didn't belong in this small little town of Garteville. When I was 12, I lived in the big city, but I felt like I didn't belong there either. No where seemed right. Up until yesterday, I could cope, but as soon as I hit my 16th birthday, I couldn't resist anymore. It felt as if something was pushing me out of the house, out of my life. Quickly, I grabbed all my money, stuffed it in my pockets, and sprinted. After resting some, I ran again until I was where I am now, in front of some run-down old hotel called "The Shutters Hotel."

When I walked in the rickety door, it creaked so loud it felt like my ears went deaf. At the dusty counter sat a very bored looking, but totally cute, and around my age bellboy reading a huge book. I walked up to him and cleared my throat. He didn't move.

"Excuse me," I said. He was so still, I almost thought he was dead, until he flipped the page of his book. I rang the little bell on his desk with a sharp ding.

"Oh God!" He jumped. " Oh, sorry but I didn't see you there. This creepy old place makes freaky noises all the time." He was right in saying this place was freaky. The furniture was moth eaten and faded, and cobwebs and dust covered almost every surface. But for some reason, in this dilapidated hotel, it finally felt like my life was on the right track.

"I would like to rent a room, please," I told the bellboy. His face turned into a look of surprise. People probably don't come here often.

" Okay it is 20 bucks a night, and you'll be in room 16, " He said, handing me a key with a faded 16 on it. He came out from behind the counter. "I'll take you bags for you." I handed him my bags and he started leading me down the hall, explaining to me about this hotel. "Breakfast is served in the dining room from 8 to 10 a.m. Lunch is served from 11 to 1, and dinner from 8 to 10. The cooks don't serve meals any other times than those, but if you get really hungry in the night, they don't mind if you let yourself in the kitchen and make your own food, as long as you don't make a lot of noise or a mess and you don't do it every night. And uhh yeah, that's pretty much it. You can find me if you need anything," He dropped my bags on the faded red carpet in front of a room with a 16 on it. It was a cracked and peeling 16, but nonetheless, 16. Surprisingly, when I opened the door, it didn't creak.

The room looked like it would have been nice 50 years ago, but time made all the colors fade. When I pulled the dusty dust cover off of the worn blue sofa, a mangly orange tabby cat meowed up at me. Oh my god! I thought, what is this doing here? It might have rabies, so i just let it be. After inspecting it for bugs, I threw myself down on the bed. I was exhausted. It was only 7:30, but i decided it was bedtime for me.


hope u liked! even if u didn't, comment! i need advice! i don't get offended, as long as you aren't plain out rude!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2011 ⏰

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