Part 5

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Once Taehyun noticed me, his eyes are wide open, maybe shocked to see me again after such a long time of my disappearence. Before I look bck and start to run, I noticed that Taehyun was shaking someone before pointing at me.

I run as fast as I can without looking back. My with fitness skill is not as good as you may think. I can feel myself having trouble with my breathing. I avoid the street with quite a lot crowd because I don't want to bump into any of them while running so I took the park's street.

I could hear footsteps nearing me. The footsteps are too fast. My heart start beating and my whole body is filled with nervousness. I pray that Taehyun couldn't catch up to me since I thought that the person who is chasing me is Taehyun.

My steps was stopped by a sudden hand, pulling me back to someone's body. The person is back-hugging me tightly. The warmth of his body melt me in such a good ways.

I pushed the thought of how comfortable being in this person's arm and turn my head back, expecting to see Taehyun but no. It is the last person I will expect it to be. Someone who I deeply love, but I am not allowed to.

"What the..?" I whispered with a soft voice. I look at him, admiring him, his soft and silky hair, his charming eyes, his long eyelashes, his sharp jawline and his soft pinkish lips. How I miss all of these.

After being in a long silence situation, I start to doubting if this boy is really Beomgyu, but he looks like him. He didn't say anything, he just back-hugging me as tightly as he can.

"Eunji.." The voice whispered to my ears. The soft voice that I love so much is calling my name. I have never hear him saying my name in this tone.

Tears start to stream down my eyes. I was too happy to be able to hear this boy saying my name. It's been such a long time since I heard my name comes out of his mouth. How I miss everything about him especially how I miss the way he treated me back then.

"Im sorry I just couldn't bring myself to say this" With that, he turn my body to facing him in a seconds.

"Im sorry, Im sorry for being such a jerk to you. To be honest, I only thought you as a very good friend and nothing more than it. I was so confused, why would you like someone like me. I want you to forget me and I don't care if it will leads you you to hating me just as long as you forget me cause you deserve someone better. You are a great friend of mine which I couldn't bear to lose. I keep on missing you, I keep on looking for you. I asked your family but they refused to tell me about your whereabout. Im really sorry, please forgive me" Beomgyu begged me as he hold my arms tightly. At this time I was a bit lighten up and Im so happy knowing that he don't hate me the way i thought.

"Im really sorry, I can't accept your feelings towards me as more than a friend. I don't like you the way you thought I would but you are precious to me and I want we to stay being friend for as long as we could. In sorry for being so selfish. I know it would be hurt to be begged by after rejected to stay. I know Im selfish, please forgive me. I don't like you but at the same time I don't want to lose my precious friend like you. Please.." At this time, Beomgyu slowly kneel down while still holding my arms tightly. He is having a massive breakdown infront of me right now.

The sight of him crying and begging me was too heartbreaking to me. I end up cry together with him while hugging him even tighter. I should mind my own feelings than his, but I just can't stand sighting the one I love is having a breakdown.

And I decide to ignore my own feelings.

I will just stay by him even though as a friend and nothing more..

Unrequited Love || Choi Beomgyu FFWhere stories live. Discover now