Just Friends?[TzuyuXReader]

Começar do início

"I kissed your cheek. But we are not a couple. We are friends, I am going now. See ya later at dinner" Tzuyu smiled

I heard the door getting open

"Plus! Y/n listen. Friends can't be lovers. Remember that" Tzuyu added

Then the doors closed. I got to my senses

"Yeah yeah. I know! I'm just a friend to you!! Aish. I really hate myself for having feelings for you!" I yelled then closed my eyes
"She is so unpredictable" I said and got into the shower


I went to my locker and noticed Tzuyu and Jungkook chatting there

"Oh hey Y/n" Tzuyu called
"Sup" I said and opened my locker
"This is my best friend. Y/n. Y/n this is my boyfriend Jungkook" Tzuyu introduced
"Nice to meet you" Jungkook smiled
"Nice to meet you too" I greeted in an uninterested way

I put my things and heard some sounds. I looked at them. They are kissing. I rolled my eyes annoyingly. I closed my locker door badly making a loud sound. Tzuyu flinched making them stop. They looked at me

"Oops sorry. My hand just acted annoyingly" I smiled fakely

I walked away quickly. I entered the classroom and sat down

"What's with the mood?" I heard a voice behind me

I looked around. There I saw my other friend. Not as close as Tzuyu. But close enough to share her about all my problems.

It's Rose. Standing at the corner

I walked into her and sighed

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I walked into her and sighed.

"I really don't get Tzuyu. She is just-- Urgh. I can't explain" I looked at her
"She got a new boyfriend, right?" Rose asked
"Yeah. It's been 2 years Rose. 2 years of liking my best friend" I frowned
"I should've accepted your feelings 3 years ago. So you're not going through all this things" Rose chuckled
"You're just joking right?" I chuckled
"Yup right. But what if Tzuyu did the same thing to you? What if she rejects you?" Rose asked
"*sigh*. I will feel again what you made me felt" I looked at her in the eye

We both went silent. Then we burst out laughing

"I think it's a good thing that you rejected me" I removed the tears of happiness on my eyes
"Yeah you're right" Rose also removed her tears


We both went to our seats. Then I remembered. My seatmate was Tzuyu. She sat beside me. She looked at me expressionless

Twice OneShots❤️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora