Before The Storm

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To start of the day all the way fucked up is my normal. I'm late for school a few more minutes and I would miss my bus. oh yes, and today is my birthday! 17... "great". Not too psyched about it. rushing to get myself ready all I can think about is why did I have to be born? like really? who thinks its ok to have 10 kids? and being the middle child is no picnic you go unnoticed pretty much your whole life and yet still end up the blame for everything wrong on top of that try to bend over backwards to make someone proud of you. what is all this for anyway???

"Lay'Lonie Nicole!!!!" I jumped from my thoughts.

"Yes ma'am!" I answered my mother.

"Your bus is here I hope you don't plan on missing it today I'm not taking yo ass to school!" she yelled

"When do you ever?" I said under my breath coming out of the bathroom and headed downstairs.

"is your sister up?"

"Not sure which one your talking about but gotta go." I ran to the bus and the driver opened the door.

"That's a new record Ms. Bradson any earlier and wed be on time." he laughed

"you're very funny Mr. Ray." I said with a slight smile he knows he'd wait as long as he could for me Mr. Ray is one of the few good parent figures I have.

"how'd that history test go? did you get and A?" he asked

"Uuumm, No." I said nervously he looked at me through the bus mirror and shook his head.

" I'll tell you what if you get at least a B on your next history test I'll get you a new phone for one you need motivation and two I'm tired of seeing you with that busted up flip phone lets call it a late birthday present." he said with a smile.

I looked up at him in disbelief because he remembered my birthday. And as if he was reading my mind.

he said "Yes I remember your birthday."

I smiled a little tear eyed this is crazy I know your family has forgotten your birthday 4 years in a row but nut up girl damn. I said to myself. we pulled up to the high school. Mr. Ray parked and opened the doors and looked back at me while the rest of the kids walked pass.

"So do we have a deal birthday girl?" at least a B. He said.

I looked up at him and said,

"Yea you got a deal thanks Mr. Ray." I said getting up from my seat I got another test coming up in two weeks. I gave him a hug and walked off the bus and was practically jumped by my best friend Kayla.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!!!!" she said giving me another hug and kissed me on the cheek and handed me a gift.

"you didn't have to get me anything Kayla." I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Tell that to your face." she pushed me playfully "open it!"

"Ok Ok." I hurried up and opened it while walking into the building and instantly wanted to cry I was a beautiful charm bracelet. "Kayla, is this real silver?" she just smiled. "Kayla are you crazy its heavy." "How much did you send on this?"

"Don't worry about it your worth it." she said taking it and turning it over and showing me the engraving on the back. I found my Best friend soul mate it said. All I could do was cry ugh I hate crying I'm always crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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