The concert

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The next morning we woke up and did our morning routine

W-lets go shopping i cant wait

M-yea me too.

We took a taxi and we went shopping

Wendy bought a blue shorts and white t-shirt that says swag and a white sneakers.

And i bought a pink shorts and a white t-shirt that says pretty and i bought pink sport heels

W-yay i cant wait for tomorrow

M-me either

W-do you think the fooo would love us

M-i wish so

W-uhhhhhhh im so excited.

So next day, we woke up early next morning we put our make up and dressed up quickly

Wendy straighten her hair (its short and light brown) and Marie straighten her hair to (her hair is till her back and its light brown to)

We went with my mom' s car

W-oh my god i cant believe we are here, im gonna faint

M-hahahahahahahahaha calm down, i cant believe we are here to

W-common lets enter

Me and Wendy entered the concert we were the first we saw the boys practicing for the show, Wendy fainted when she saw them.

The fooo realised someone falling, so the ran quickly to see who fell down.
Felix hold her and kept calling sweetie are you okay?. He asked me whats her name i told hem Wendy. So he called her Wendy wake up, so she woke up and hugged felix tightly.

"Are you alright?" Felix asked her

"Of course" she answers

We were hugging all the members and i was hugging oscar hardly and Wendy was hugging felix we both wont let go

We kept talking till the concert started. They kept staring at me and Wendy Felix's eyes was on Wendy and oscar's eyes were on me i just blushed

After the concert they asked us to go to McDonald's and we agreed


Second chapter yay

Im in love with hem (the fooo fanfic english)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora