Chapter 14: Un vs Hn

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        I walked around Suna holding Rose's hand. I was supposed to meet Tsunade here, but she hasn't shown up yet. The fourth Kazekage has been very kind and told me I can stay as long as I would like. Rose slipped from my grasp and ran towards the park. "Rose wait!" I called after her. She of course, ignored me. 

        I sighed and ran after her to the park, she was laughing happily on the swings. I sighed and just watched I found a nice bench and sat down. Another woman sat down next to me as a girl who looked like her daughter got on the swings next to Rose. "She yours?" She asked me.

        I smiled and nodded. "You could say that." I turned and smiled at her and introduced myself. "My name is Hatake Luna," I said.

       She looked at me surprised. "Did you just say Hatake?" She asked.

        I nodded. "Yes, why?" 

       "Are you related o Kakashi Hatake?" She asked.

          I nodded again warily. "Yes, he is my brother. Why do you ask?" I asked.

        "My name is Koto Camelia. Your brother Kakashi, is my daughter's father." Camellia said.

       I looked at her shocked. "What?" I finally spit out. She laughed at my expression and then doubled over coughing. "Are you alright?" I asked concerned as she started coughing up blood. 

         A little girl ran over, I felt my jaw drop in shock. She had silver hair and onyx eyes, just like Kakashi and I. "Okaasan!" She cried as Camelia fell to the ground.

        Rose ran over and stood next to Camelia's daughter. I knelt next to her and focused on my chakra, my hands turned green as I started to heal her. Well tried to anyway. I am only a basic medic ninja, hence why I wanted to train under Tsunade. Camelia grabbed my hands and pulled them away from herself, I frowned and persisted. She grabbed my hands again and pulled them away. "No stop, it's no use..." She said sadly.

        I stopped and helped her sit up as the coughing fit ended. She looked at the girls sadly, then turned to look at me with pleading eyes. I looked over at the girls understanding, she doesn't want her daughter to see her like this. "Rose, why don't you and..." I said.

       "Lily." Camelia supplied.

        "Lily go and play. Don't worry Camelia is going to be ok." I said, Rose nodded and pulled Lily away to the slides. "So what just happened?" I asked.

        Camelia sighed sadly. "I never imagined that I would be telling a stranger this, but I'm dying. I came to Suna in hopes of meeting Lady Tsunade. I thought she may be able to heal me, but it's too late now."

       I grabbed her hand. "I'm so sorry, but hey I'm not a complete stranger. I mean I am Lily's aunt. That is assuming Lily is Kakashi's daughter..." I said thoughtfully.

         Camelia laughed softly. "Yes, Lily is Kakashi's daughter. I thought it was obvious from the silver hair." She said.

       I turned as I heard the girls laughing, they were playing with a little red-headed boy. "Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked.

        Camelia smiled at me. "There is nothing you can do, at least nothing that wouldn't be asking for too much." She said.

       I smiled at her. "Try me," I said.

        "I don't have any family left. Once I die Lily will be alone, I know it's too much to ask but..." Camelia said looking down.

        "But?" I prompted.

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