Chapter // Five

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"How the hell did you know it was my year anniversary with Alex?" I say through clenched teeth. My hands being to turn into fists.

She starts to panic. "I um, lucky guess?"

I grad her by the upper arms. "Tell me you bitch." I say and look at her in the eyes.

She sighs and smirks. "I had your phone all day dumbshit. She sent oh so many messages and I figured that bitch was just going to annoy you and your party. So, I deleted them all." She says with a smirk.

If she wasn't a girl I'd beat the living shit out of her. I sigh angrily and toss her on the ground.

"Leave you Whore." I say and turn around. I can hear her 5$ heals walk away and an evil laugh. Once she's away I scream.

The paramedics get here a minute later and with a team of two the try to get Alex out. The driver in the Honda seems to be okay.

"Let me help." I say and walk towards the truck.

"No sir you have to step away." A young paramedic says and blocks my way.

"I'm helping." I say sternly and walk around him.

"No see we got this under control, just tell me what happened." He says and blocks my way again.

I sigh. "I don't know! I was running after my girlfriend and I saw the Honda try and make a U-Turn but I guess my girlfriend didn't see him and I guess she started to swerve around him."

She was driving faster too. Away from you Luke.

I shake my head. They finally get Alex out and onto a gurney. I walk towards her and she looks even worse than she did in the car. Under all the blood she looks pale. Her clothes are ripped and there is a lot of cuts and bruises all around.

"Shit." I mutter and look at her.

One of the looks at me. "Sir, would you like to ride with us to the hospital?"

I nod my head. "Y-yes." And get in the ambulance. When the door closes they seem to forget I am there. Good. I grab Alex's hand. The whole ride to the hospital I look at her and replay my entire year with her. All of those kisses. All of those hugs. All of the moments we shared arguing over silly little things, me teaching her guitar even though it was obvious she is a better player than me, the way her little hand perfectly went with my large hand.

Gone. Forever. Never to return. I threw it all away all because I was being a pussy and didn't tell her sooner. We get to the hospital in less than 5 minutes and get Alex out of the ambulance. I'm still holding her hand.

"We're sorry but you can't be with her at this point." The paramedic says as we walk in the hospital.

"What the fuck? No I'm going with you." I say and clench my fists.

"Sir, if you don't calm down you will have to leave the hospital. Do you want that? No, you don't. So sit down and calm the hell down." He says.

I bite the inside of my cheek. Fuck, he's right. I sigh and sit down.

"Does she have any family members near by? Some friends?" He asks.

"No, just a mom." I snap.

"Okay, thank you." He says and walks away. I can tell he wants to punch me where the sun doesn't shine but he can't and I mentally smirk because of it.

5, 10, 15, 20 minutes past and nobody here tells me about Alex.

"Where's my little girl?!" I hear a women yell. Alex's mom walks into the waiting room along with a guy. Her new boyfriend? A friend? An uncle?

"Luke! What the hell happened!" She yells.


I thought this couldn't get worse, I was wrong. Veronica walks into the waiting room. I swear you could hear the bitch in her walk.

"I know what happened." she says and crosses her arms with a smirk.

"Oh what do you know Veronica?" Alex's mom says with so much annoyance in her voice.

"Oh I'll tell you what I know. What I know is that Lukey here forgot about his anniversary with your daughter. And that he was at a party without inviting Alex. Alex came and saw Luke kiss me and ran off like the baby she is. Oh did I mention, she's dying? That's what I know, you old hag." She spits.

The entire room goes silent.

"Anyway I just came here to see the show. Happy Anniversary Luke!" She fake smiles and walks away.

"You son of a bitch!" Alex's mom screams and runs after me, her boyfriend hold her back though.

"I-I-I swear I can explain, that's not what happened!" I try and tell her.

"Bullshit!" She yells and trying to get out of the grip of her boyfriend.

She eventually stops and is let go. "I think you should leave." Says her boyfriend.

"Excuse me but when the hell did you become involve with this?" I snap.

All of a sudden he's at my face. "Listen here you dipshit, while you were out partying and doing God knows what, I was hanging out with Alex." He says and shoves me.

"What the hell?!" I scream and push him to the ground.

He just lays there. "That's right party boy. Alex was alone all day on your anniversary so we started talking."

"NO! FUCK YOU!" I scream. Everyone in the hospital is looking at me but fuck them.

"Luke, he's right. Hunter was with Alex all day while you were out with your little party." Alex's mom says while helping Hunter up.

"FUCK YOU ALL! ALEX IS MINE AND ONLY MINE!" I scream. I'm so mad I need to punch something. I turn and decide to punch a whole in the wall.

"Hey! You're paying for that!" Yells a nurse from the counter. I get out my wallet and slam a 100$ on the counter.

"There." I say.

"We guess what, she's not yours anymore. Fuck, she might never be mines or yours again." Her mom spits. She begins to cry. Hard.

"My little girl could die all because of you!" She screams and cries harder.

"THE HELL IT ISNT MY FAULT!" I scream and walk out of there. I start walking, then jogging, and start running out of the hospital.

When I'm outside its like the world crumbles in front of me.

I cry harder than I ever had before. I cry and grab my hair and sink down onto my knees. It is my fault. Even though I deny it I know it's my fault. I cry harder and harder the more I think about it. Alex could die. All because of my damn fault. I scream out into the night until my throat is sore. I collapse on the concrete. Sobbing uncontrollably, hoping that this is all a dream.

(A/N: Hey guys! I'm Xochitl (you can call me just Xo) I'll be updating on Fridays! I hope this chapter isn't too sad c: I hope you like it! :) )

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