Chapter 3-Your First Misson.

Start from the beginning

You: Nu Blyat. What the fuck is "Code"
Six: Why aren't you paying attention!? We have a spike in Operator Injuries Since Scout Joined!
IQ: What is the gender?
Six: Mainly Females!
The girls looked at each other.
Caviera: Well You See....
Six: I see.....  Well he is now only paired with other men.
Caviera: Why!?
Six:You know why.
You fixed the drone.
Jager: Hey? Wanna Help Me Make A Plane?!
You: Yeah!
You followed him.
You: So what's out model?
Jager: A German Military Airbus.
You: Whoo!  A Project That Will Take 2 Years To Make!
Jager: We just need to assemble the pieces..
You: Screws and bolts?
He chucked you a drill.
Jager: We will work on making the hull.
You: Alright.
12 hours later.
Jager fell asleep on the chair,  you continued working.
You were almost finished with the chassis.
Then Ela walked out.
Ela: What are you- My God.
You: Yeah, kinda working on a plane. Jager!!!  I'm Moving Onto The Airfoil!
Jager: Okay Mann..... Lemme sleep....
You: Ok.
Ela: Well.
You: Yeah.
Ela: Well Valkyrie asked me to tell you to keep it down.
You nod.
Ela: Well Goodnight.
You: Goodnight.
She walked off to bed.
Another 12 hours later.
You fell asleep on the wing.
Jager:Jeez... He got shit loads done... I'll let him sleep.
He went to breakfast.
Ela:Where's Scout?
Jager: Sleeping.
Ela: Oh.
Jager: He god loads done.
Ela: Yeah I saw that.
Thermite: On What?
Jager: On a German military Airbus we are making.
Thermite: What!?
Jager: Oh yeah,  he's out there sleep in on the wing right now.
You started on the plane right away
You were working on the electronics,  and the engines.
Jager: Well nevermind everyone,  he's working again.
You: Morning! Shit.
A were shocked you.
You are finishing the radar.
Jager showed the Airbus around.
IQ: And you and Scout made this?
Jager: Mainly Scout but yeah... 
IQ: Well,  Nice job.
Caviera: Now that we aren't allowed to be paired with Scout.....
Jager: Why?
Frost: Well,  it's a girl thing....
You: She's finished
Jager: Nice one.
You: Yea
You got off the plane.
You:Coffee time.

You walk inside and chug 3 cups of coffee.
You: Whoo!  I feel like I can run across the world!
Mute: That's dangerous drinking that much.
You: Mute,  did you stay up till 4 at night building a airplane?
Mute shook his head.
You: There you go.
You walk out to your project.
Jager was taking off.
You watched at they took off,  they look out the window at you.
You wave at them.
You wanted to make a jet.
Your page went off.
Six: I Need IQ Blitz Montagne,  Caviera-
You: Well You see,  I'm the only one here.  There all in a airplane

Six: Well...
Six: Very well then....
You ran over.
Six: I need you to run this message to embassy,  Russian embassy.

You: Ok.
IQ: He won't survive!
You arrived there
You: Hello My Fellow Slavs!
They were squating.
You did too.
? : Here Have Some Kvass!
You took a drink if it.
You: Strong Kvass.
? : Nice job Slav.
You: You As well Slav.
You dropped the letter off.
Toy got back and they were talking to six.
Six: You Are On Call!  I Expect You To Be There To Help The Rookie!  Not Show Him Bad!
You brought back some Kvass.
Six: Sit down Scout.
You: Nu Blyat.
You sat down.
Six: You are my role model now they have proven themselves childish.
You: I'm not role model six. I have Kvass in my hand Komrade.
Six: Well then.... Your still it.
You: Blyat.
The girls look at you and blush again.
You: Nu Blyat..... I go drink kvass now....
You sat on your bed next to ash.
Ash: So as the new leader.  
You: kvass it my leader...
Ash: Are you drunk?
You: No,  am just socially awkward....
Ash: Uh huh.
Ash: Follow the light.
You obeyed her
Ash: You arent drunk.
Ash: This may seem weird,  but most of the girls in Rainbow have a crush on you. That's why we can't pair anymore.
You: oof.
The door opened from Caviera's room.
You had your headphones on and watching YouTube.
You: Blyat Boris..... You are like a little babushka. Then the rest if the girls walked in and was talking but you couldn't hear them

IQ: I live him more than you. Last night I drew a exact picture of him

Caviera: I Stalked Him!
You: Hello Gopnick.
They look at you.
You: Oi Bliin what are we talking about?
Ash: You.
You: cool.
You walk out.
You: Wait What?!
Caviera: It's actually good.
You: I don't trust you. Compement me.
The girls look at each other.
Ash: You peel hers kisses perfectly?
You: Your Noticed!? That SS the best complement I've ever gotten!
Ash: Really?
You nod.
Ash: Well you need a better complement than that,  you are a amazing guy anyway....
IQ: And smart...
Twitch: So smart....
Ela: And Cute....
The girls looked at her.

Ela: I thought we were spilling our feelings.
You: Ok thanks.

You walked away
You: She said I was cute!
Glaz: Who?
You: Ela.
Glaz: Lucky.... She's the hottest....
You: Glaz,  that's a opinion.
Glaz:What do you think?
The girls snuck behind you.
You: I'm not sure yet. They are all badass.
Glaz looked at the them.
Caviera: Ask him who the more pretty one is.
Glad: Who do you think is the More Beautiful girl.
You: There all pretty.
Then Glad mind as well saw a volcano erupting as he saw their cheeks light up like fire

White Mask Male Reader x Rainbow Six SiegeWhere stories live. Discover now