-chapter 2-

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I grab my backpack and take a long look around the house. Even though I grew up in the house, I wasn't particularly attached to it. I sigh and shut the front door behind me, then lock it, leaving the key under the doormat for my mom. My eyes scan the front yard. Oak tree. Ivy bush. And..the beach tree. I smile and run my hands over the bark. This was the first tree I ever climbed. I remember my dad looking down at me, smiling. Dad. That's a word I hadn't heard in a while. Besides that...this was where Jared and I had our first kiss. Cheesy, I know, but it meant a lot to me at the time. Still does.
Sitting down in the grass, I mean my head against it, closing my eyes. There's a small THUD as Jared lays his head in my lap. I open my eyes and smile at my upside-down boyf riend. "Hey Jar." "Hi Ev." He looks up at the tree. "Hey, remember this tree? This is where we had our first kiss!" I laugh, running my hands through his hair. "How could I forget?" He smiles. "When do you leave again?" "Tonight." His eyes scan the U-haul truck in the driveway. "Well then... we don't have time to waist! Let's go!" He jumps up, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. "Wait. Where?" "Anywhere you want." "A-la Mode? Then the park?" He smiles. "Let's go!"
>>timeskip brought to you by my very angsty rp with agaychicken<<
I laugh and look at my boyfriend. " Wait, so what do you love more? Me or bathbombs?" "Oh. Definetly you. But if there was like, an Evan-scented bathbomb, then it'd be hard to choose." I blush. "Evan-scented?" "Yeah! Like, how your hoodie smells." He trails off, cheeks red. We were walking back to my house, after a long day of ice cream and cuddles. "Aw. That's cute." "You're cute." "Reverse card." NAni?" We both crack up, hands intertwined. We reach my driveway, and my mom was already in the car.
Jared sighs, then takes my hands and kisses them. "Evan, I love you. So, so, SO much. From the moment I met you, I knew you were mine. I've loved you almost all of my life. What I'm trying to say is... Please don't move on to someone else?" I nod, tears clouding my vision. "I promise. Call me every day?" He nods. "Of course." Eyes wet, he smiled at me, then gets on his tippytoes and kisses me sweetly. I tangle my fingers in his hair. He strokes my cheek gently and pulls away. "I love you, Jer." "I love you too, Acorn." He kissed my temple. "Bye." "Bye." I give him a small wave and get in the car. My hands feel empty without his. Tears fall down both our cheeks as we drive away.
A/N: *sobs*

The Ride Of My Life (sequel to For once in my life)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora