Unnamed Sci-Fi

498 5 14
  • Dedicated to Shaolin Master

I don't have a title yet and am taking suggestions. (Unfinished) Fan me if you want more! Seriously, if you like this, I need a title. 

- The following is translated as closely as possible into your Earth-tongue. It is only right for you to know.-

"The popular belief in Earth is that they are the only intelligent life in the Universe. Them. The monkey-spawn. The only creatures short of the Primal Swirl in the Northern Quadrant that haven't harnessed photon energy. The idiotic humans are the unwitting laughingstocks of the entire Central Galaxial Spiral. It's a wonder that the dogs haven't taken over yet. We've been warned by P.E.A.C.E to stay away from their planet for the most part. But I've gotten word from my informant inside the Hub. The Mechanist is dying. Without him, P.E.A.C.E. is defenseless. Power has been held by the wrong people for too long. It is time for a shift in my favor. And ignorant as they may be, the humans might just be my way to victory."


"A good day for a planet to explode," thought Randy Brown, who appeared to be a normal human adult, but was, in fact a corrupt P.E.A.C.E agent from a Southern Quadrant galaxy called Plutarch. You would never have guessed this by looking at him, however, because Mr. Brown was a rare Transformantant. When he landed on Earth, he had only to touch the man working on the wharf where he docked his ship(cleverly disguised as a fishing boat) before shape-shifting into a human. It was actually quite disgusting, because Mr. Brown was not a purebred. Beginning at the head, his body peeled back into his spine, accompanied by a horrible squelching sound. At the same time, the wharf man's appearance bubbled up out Mr.Brown's now bare skull and dripped down his body, the entire process taking only a few seconds. The wharf man, now thoroughly terrified, was physically unhurt. It was really a very smooth operation. Unfortunately, that man is now in a Third World country with no memory of his past life. "Ah, well," thought Mr. Brown, thinking of the man now. "At least he's alive and well. Probably." As he strolled along toward his destination, he went over the plan once again in his head. After he destroyed the planet, it would spin out of control as he launched his ship to report. After five years, the Corrupt Lord's plans will be realized. "And I'll finally be able to get that suit from that little bazil on 184th street" mused Mr. Brown, continuing towards the launch center.


Goddard International

Shuttle launch.

Mr. Brown has taken his place at the launch command panel. The directress is verifying the launch conditions, checking that the programming code is correct and installed, and just making sure that everyone is ready in general.

"T-minus 10 ' 9 ' 8 ... , " tones the automated launch system. Mr. Brown readies the takeover code that he programmed, knowing that even one second too early would alert the system. " 3 ' 2 ' 1 ' Launching ," Mr. Brown jammed in the code, uploaded, and yanked it back out just in time to here the scattered applause warranted by a successful launch. " Or so they think," thought Mr. Brown, for he now had complete control of the shuttle from a camouflaged bunker in the outskirts of town. " Now all that remains is for me to alter its course and get off this rock." He punched out early and headed for the train station.


If anyone in the world were less aware of the impending explosion of a planet than Maya Winston, they have not presented themselves in time and should know that they can stop saving for the shuttle ticket to this location. Maya Winston is a former electrical engineer who now works as train maintenance,though the trains are so automated, she hardly does anything. Maya drives to work everyday, eats a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch on Tuesdays, and teaches an afternoon class at a public school on electrical science three days a week. Today Maya is maintaining the same train that Mr. Brown is riding. Little did Maya know, Mr. Brown planned to alter the course of a shuttle to slam into a planet. And he plans to get to the shuttle launch base, Goddard International, by riding this train. The balance of the solar system hangs on these people, this train. The destruction of a planet is is imminent. Lives dangle on a thin thread. The fate of an entire planet and indeed the entire universe rests in the hands of the inhabitants and inhabitants to-be of the single most important train in whole universe!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2010 ⏰

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