Jennie went into doubt when Ms.Park suggested so, just because she knows half of the students in the school seem to be ignoring her or in other words, were scared of her. 

"I'm sorry but I don't think I will be a good fit for it" she replies as she walks to her desk puts her homework in her backpack and zips it up before she puts it on, holding the strands.

"well, let me know when you change your mind," Ms.Park said as she walked over and handed Jennie a piece of paper from the website that she can apply it on. 

Jennie bowed once and then walked out of the classroom with a faded smile. she study the piece of paper hard before a loud sigh left her lips as she folds it into fourth. 

she walked past the school field and onto the school gate's pole, where she waited on one of the sides for her driver to come to pick her up. she can feel so many eyes on her, all she could do was kick her other foot and played with the rocks that happen to be there. it was sad to know that these rocks are only noticeable when she is pretending to be alright.

a couple of the girls walks past by and Jennie quickly took out her phone, pretending to be on it just so she doesn't look like she was waiting for her ride. but it was so obvious to the others, what kind of high-status girl walks or rides the city bus home.

as some more students walk past her, she could hear them mumbling to one another. 'yah, look at her, she's waiting for her ride instead of riding the bus' 'I heard she's rich' 'didn't she sue someone in the school?'

she eyesided them in annoyance as soon as they walk a couple of feet away from her. soon, a black shiny car pulled up at the gate of where she was standing and she quickly run into it, without letting the driver do its job of opening the car door for her. she was scared someone will judge her for another reason being rich. 

Jennie closed the car door shut behind her as she dig her head down onto her sitting thighs. the car pull off the side ramp and into the busy streets, only then she could feel some burden being lifted off.  

as soon as the car drove off, Jungkook, who was standing there all along watching Jennie from the other side of the school gate's pole, came out from his hiding. 

he was hiding from her, not because he was embarrassed for bullying her throughout the elementary and middle school years but because he wasn't brave enough to stand in front of her again, due to an incident that was related to his father.

after middle school ended, he started to keep his circles of friends closed and his incidents low from everyone, especially at school. he definitely has changed a lot referring to hairstyles, height, and thoughts. but something that never will change for him was the fact that he hates school. the only reason for him to go to school was because of his mother, who loved him dearly.

after seeing Jennie again, for the first time in six-year, Jungkook almost couldn't recognize her. she have grown up so beautifully, from head to toe. her long, black, shiny hair complimented her side profile and back so well. the school uniform that used to look so ugly on her is now becoming so attractive to not stare.

from his place on the pole, he almost couldn't think that the girl he used to bully was now a huge gossip title among students. witnessing from earlier, this was the reason why she turned into a quiet type of girl. it was saddening for him to see the changes from the back of her figure. 

he threw his backpack on higher and made his way inside the empty school. it was his first time in six years to come back to school. the atmosphere smell weird and he was bothered by the number of students hanging out after school on the field and around the school.

when he soon reached the inside of the school, he pulled out a single sheet of paper and read the letters that her mom had written for him earlier, "J-712" he memorized the number.

he slowly walked, passing girls that whisper among each other about him being a new face. he eyed the classroom signs for 'J-712' it didn't take long until he reached the classroom which he have to twist the knobs to test if it was open for him to go in.

the door creeks open, "hi, um... I'm a new student here-"

"Jeon Jungkook, right?" Ms.Park replied while she greets him to come in. he nodded and soon find himself inside a classroom again. 

"here, let's see what I can give you for tomorrow's lesson," she noted herself as she continuously run her pointing fingers through the piles of the paper stack.

Jungkook looked around the classroom that was full of school-related stuff. everything was slowly registering in his head that this is what a classroom feels and looks like. he picked up his fingertips and feel the flawless, wooden, desk counter beside him. 

"Jungkook?" Ms.Park said for the fifth time while he was busy scanning and touching the wooden desk. 

"yes" he replied on the fifth call, going in closer.

"this is your folder for this class, it is already organized in sections from different subjects that I will be teaching from tomorrow on" he looked at the hand of Ms.Park in which was a thick folder. he took it after a good glance.

"any questions, concerns, or comments?" Ms.Park added on. 

he shook his head, "no", "thank you" he bowed before making his way out of the classroom. closing the door behind him, he wasn't sure about starting school again but this was the only thing left for him to do for his mother. he sighed,

this was it, the restart of school life for him. 

••• to be continued •••

💌 a/n: I really wasn't planning to release this dusty book that I have written in 2019, but TRubyK wanted to read it so here I am, publishing this. I hope that jenkookreaders would also love and support this one until the end. Xoxo, Tina💛

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