Chapter 13: Ino-Pig

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     The ground crunched as I walked the narrow path leading to the grocery store.  I have come to the realization that  instant ramen wasn't good for breakfast,  lunch, and dinner for 2 months straight. Even though it's delicious...


    Up ahead I heard yelling, so being the nosey noodle I am I went to check it out. I peeked around the corner to see that pink haired girl who ran into me yesterday arguing with a blond haired girl dressed in purple looking like Barney and shit. I formed a plan in my head to walk past and make it seem like I had to go thay direction even though I didn't.

    Liking my plan, I casually started to pass by the yelling pair, ignoring my ears stinging with pain from the whining. As I passed by the Pepto-Bismol chick, she yanked my hand to face her. Me giving her a blank look, she decided it would be smart to yell in my face with her chicken clucks of anger.


" Excuse me?"






  I casually untangled my hand and fled away from that horrid scene. I think I learned never to be nosey again...

  I continued back on the route to the market, watching the kids run around screaming with excitement of playing games and hiding in corners. It makes me sad, I wish I could have played with my brother intill... I choke back a tear as I realized I lost all my family, growing up practically alone.  I raised my head from my ground looking at the grocery store ahead.

    I entered the building, air pushing down on me keeping all the bugs out as the door slid open. I reached my hand out and grabbed a woven wooden basket to put my food it. I walked up the first aisle grabbing things like pocky and dango that was held in little plastic packages. I turned the corner and went down the detergent section, getting things that makes my hygiene amazing.

    I continued to walk around, putting things in my basket questioning whether or not I have OCD. I turned the last corner, seeing a families face. I walked up and tapped on his shoulders, him spinning around pining me again the aisle behind us....

  Well isn't that rude Kakashi.
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Hiya guys c: how's it going you sexy stallions.... no? ok I get it.
I know I took forever to update I'm sorry. I promise I'm trying to make a time in my schedule to write. OK so imma rap this up with saying I don't own naruto or any of the characters except kuryami and the faeries and future things that I am going to add.
I hope you have a great day and stay awesome my friends ♡

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