|| confession ||

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She told him to wait

Before he would tell her how he felt, he was told to wait until she let her feelings out first.

He respected that

But it also hurt him

Natsuki couldn't stop shifting in his seat in the committee meeting, he eyes always glancing over to Anna every few seconds - she still looked down and gloomy like last time. He hated that she looked like that, she always had a calm face with soft words, smiling at sweets and cute animals - he wanted to do something, but everytime he approached her she would turn her head and run away. He was hurt but he knew she was still getting over Mocchi's confession to her, it hurt him more that she unknowingly has to go through two more.

"Please, just don't say anything yet and wait a little longer..."

Mari looked so solemn as she said those words, he's never seen her like that and it shocked him - her eyes were determined, he knew something was going on that he couldn't interfere with. Despite desperately wanting to confess to Anna, he agreed with Mari - she was just as determined as he was but he didn't know what for. But she and Anna have always been close friends, with Mari being so serious he couldn't help but agree.

Glancing over again he saw her write down notes, his eyes travelled to her hands. He had touched them before, they were small, thin, delicate but soft and warm. He couldn't help but blush at the contact, he wanted to hold on to them more - maybe soon he can?

"And this concludes the decorating committee meeting" Jumping slightly at the announcement, he quickly averted his eyes to the teacher "Everyone, please keep your printouts"

As students started to stand, Natsuki kept his eyes on her, frowning at her solemn expression Maybe I should talk to her... when she made her way to the door he panicked Wait!

"Ko-Kobayakawa-san!" he suddenly loudly said her name, causing her to stop and quickly look at him, surprised at his loudness.


"Ah...Erm..." he didn't know what to say, it was a surprise that she actually stopped and looked at him instead of ignoring him. Mari's words ran through him - no he couldn't tell her that yet "See you tomorrow"

"...Yeah, see you tomorrow..." her voice had lost it's softness, she sounded tired, bored, stoic. Nothing like the Anna he knew before, he wanted it to change. He wanted to tell her how he felt, to have her smile and laugh again.

But he needed to wait, Mari told him too, and as difficult as it was - he was going to.

"Mari-chan" Her soft voice rang through the silent classroom where her longest and closes friend, Mari sat. "Thanks for waiting, I'm done now"

"Good work Anna~" Mari's usual cheerful voice with Anna made her feel a bit better, she had Mari with her which has helped her enormously - she was glad she was friends with her.

"Sorry for making you wait so long, let's go"

"Not yet..." Mari said, a small smile on her face "Before that, there's something I want to tell you, Anna"

"Something you want to tell me?" Anna repeated as she sat down opposite Mari, smiling at her "What is it?"

"Well..." Mari smiled back, but for some reason Anna could see it wasn't her usual smile she had with her - she wondered why. Mari's cheeks blushed as she stuttered out her words"I...I like you Anna"

Anna looked at her confused "Eh? But I like Mari-chan too you know?"

"I know but...but mine's different" Mari told her "You like me as a friend but...but I don't"

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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