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Ruby had fallen asleep quite quickly on the bus. To be precise she fell asleep in four minutes and thirty seconds. Weiss however complained about having to sit next to Ruby the entire bus ride. After two hours she fell asleep though. Weiss's head falls onto Ruby's shoulder while she is asleep, neither of them stir. The bus stops and Ruby wakes up. She notices that Weiss' head is on her shoulder she gently lifts it off as Weiss wakes up. 

              She sighs, stands up, grabs her carry ons, and storms off the bus. Ruby takes off and unplugs her headphones, puts them in backpack, and walks off of the bus to find her suitcase. She joins the sea of other girls outside the buses. She finds her suitcase then stands to the side. 

              "Hello and welcome to camp Helvmi, I am senior camp counselor Oobleck, and I will be assigning you girls to your cabins. Each can hold up to four girls and the least we can put in a cabin is two girls. That being said let's get started. Oh and also no counselors of any gender will be allowed to sleep in campers cabin due to some controversial issues from the last couple of years, so please don't burn down your cabin or anyone else's, now we can begin. When you hear you name come up here and receive your key to your cabin then head to said cabin unpack and sleep, each camper will have their own key, also you will have to spend free time with at least one of your cabin mates, so if you are in a cabin with three or less people then have fun. Now finally  we can get started. First up is Emma Parker, Emma Smith, Emma Price, and Emma Baker, please come forward and collect your keys." Oobleck says. 

                    This goes on of course until there are two girls left. Those two girls are of course Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee.

              "Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee please come up and get your keys," Oobleck says. He then takes a big sip from his flask. They walk up and get their keys. They then walk to their cabin. 

                   "By no means does this make us friends," Weiss says as she walks into the cabin turning on the lights. There are two bunk beds one on each side of the room. 

                   "Oh these will have to go," Weiss says. 

                 "Oh how about we take the mattresses off, move the frames outside, then stack the mattress on top of each other but only two mattresses per side of the rooms," Ruby suggest. 

                "That's not to shabby of an idea," Weiss says. They then do Ruby's idea. They take separate showers, they then lay out their sheets and pillows on their mattresses. They curl up in their respective makeshift beds and fall asleep.

            "Maybe Ruby isn't all that bad," she thinks to herself and then falls into a deep slumber.

A White Rose Is A Symbol Of InnocenceWhere stories live. Discover now