I Love You Aiden Till Forever

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Haiku: I Love You Aiden Till Forever

Haiku Poetry Type is a Japanese poem composed of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables. Haiku poetry originated in the sixteenth century and reflects on some aspect of nature and creates images.

When I first saw you

i was smitten by your charm

That peculiar fate,

which drew our hearts together

share by you and me

fate has a sense of humour

a forbidden love

because you're a royal prince

I'm a nobody

Someone you should not have loved

history plays back

like Romeo and Juliet

unhappy endings

was not something I wanted

engaged to someone

you were forced by your parents

your were unwilling

to marry princess katelyn

In your crystal eyes

a slight tinge of loneliness

Had to let you go

Tried to break myself from you

My days without you

were simply unbearable

Got a big tumour

that remained in my head

which killed me inside

operation would not help

leaving me helpless

You asked me out one fine day

you brought me roses but

something else I didn't want

I congratulated you

My eyes betrayed me

and tears started trickling down

my heart throbbed inside

and my head is killing me

'Say something' you said

I soon fell into darkness

and was awoken

in a room of white walls

With angels singing

white door at the other end

leads to mortal world

As I stepped passed the white door

found myself behind

the man I love before

I;ll kepp him away

and protect him from danger

I am contented

to help you in my own way

You're a memory

that i hold close to my heart

You'll occupy

the biggest part of my heart

At least in this way,

I;ll always be with you to

Keep you safe and sound

Poetry From The Heart [2013]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon