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Having a heart is a real test.
Like when you lay in bed
And feel it beating through your chest
Because things in your life happen
That make it want to stop.
That's really difficult to deal with.
So when my heart beats too hard
My blood feels hot
And my ears kind of
Don't do what ears do for a minute.
It's hard to swallow
And it's hard to take a breath.
And when my heart disagrees
With how the world around me is going
It kind of just
And when it breaks
God, does it shatter.
But I won't tell anyone that.
Because who cares
If my heart is intact
Or beating
Or what ever.
It's just difficult.
But, I'm glad I have a beating heart.
Because not everyone gets that.
Sometimes it's taken from them
When all they wanted to do
Was feel.
And now all they feel is the dark
As if it was a ball of dark matter
That they could wrap their fingers around
And squeeze until it burst with
But luckily my heart is still there.
It hurts a lot, but that's okay
Because I've learned to put a bandaid
Over whatever wounds it may receive.
Someday I hope somebody shows me
How important my heart is
And maybe one day
I'll love having this
Rhythmic heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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