My Boy| 14

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daija and i walked up to the ticket counter together. "two tickets please!" i said happily to the man working.

"i'm sorry miss, but i can't allow your friend here to come in."

"what do you mean? its not like she has a disease" i said annoyed.

"i'm sorry miss-"

"look here you old fuck. we're here to see a movie. we're actually paying, while we could have easily snuck inside. give us our damn tickets"

luckily there was no one behind us so i didn't feel bad for saying anything. the man crossed his arms and shook his head. i scoffed and narrowed my eyes at him. i reached to my back pocket and quickly grabbed the switchblade out, opening it quickly and holding it up to his face. "tickets please" i asked again. the man, who was obviously scared finally complied and handed us two tickets. "thank you!" i chirped while grabbing daija's hand and pulling her inside with me.


johnny's pov.

"fuck" i whispered as i slipped my shirt on over my head. i pulled my jacket on over it then put my shoes on. i ran my hands through my hair a couple times before deciding it was okay. i grabbed my switch off of my nightstand and put it in my pocket along with my cigarettes.

after i had everything i opened my window and slipped outside. i landed on my feet and started walking to the nightly double.

i lit one of my cigarettes and took a drag from it. i saw a figure standing in front of me and sped up my pace. as i neared them i noticed it was two-bit. "hey, two!" i called. he turned to face me and waved. "heading to the double?" i asked. he nodded and lit his cig. "yeah meeting daija there"

"i hope she got in okay"

"she should have. your girlfriend was with her" he chuckled. i blushed

"you mean october?"

he nodded. "you know the whole gang knows you two have had something going on for awhile now."


he nodded again. he smirked "how long have you liked her?"

"since we were little" i took a drag from my cig.

"you shouldn't smoke. you're still young. don't ruin your lungs"

i shrugged my shoulders "it helps me"

"why don't you just leave your house, kid?"

"i'm not sure. i've thought about it but where would i go?"


"i can't leave october"

"no johnny run" he shouted. i started shaking a bit and looked behind us. a blue mustang was following us closely. i rolled my eyes and shook my head. i took off towards the double and got there a minute later.

still running i slipped under the fence and went to find where october was. "johnny over here!" i heard her yell. i spun around and saw her waving me over. i popped the color up on my jacket and started to walk towards her when i saw two slip under the fence.

i let out a sigh of relief and walked over to october. "hey" i smiled.

"hey" she reached up and hugged me. i wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up a little. "why are you shaking?"

"bob" i said simply. she rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand. "come on the movie is about to start"

october -

"did you like the movie?" i asked johnny while we were walking.

"yeah but next time we go out i want to take you on a better date" he said shaking his head. i looked over at him confused
"what do you mean johnny? i had fun. i don't care what we're doing as long as we're together" i crinkled my nose after i had spoken. "sorry that was cheesy" i apologized with a laugh. johnny shook his head and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me towards his chest. i wrapped my arms around him tightly and took a deep breath in.

when we let go, johnny smiled at me and kissed my lips softly. i kissed him back and grabbed his hand. when i opened my eyes i looked around and saw two police officers talking to the ticket booth man. we caught eyes and he pointed at me. "shit! johnny get out of here, go to the curtis house and wait for me!"


"i think i'm about to be picked up, just go!"

"i'll stand over there but i'm not leaving"

"i don't care, i just don't want you out of here so you don't get in trouble" johnny rolled his eyes and walked away just as the two officers started walking towards me.

i crossed my arms over my chest and waited. "excuse me miss" one of the officers asked.


"we have been informed that you were the one that pulled the knife on mr. madison"

"he wouldn't let my friend in because she was black" i said annoyed.

"now i'm sorry about that but pulling a blade on someone isn't really the bes-"

"well it worked" i cut him off.

"look kid we know this ain't your first offence so we're going to have to take you in"

"okay let's go" i said. you could hear the smirk in my voice.

i rode to the station in the back of the police car. when we got there they said they couldn't put me in a cell with other people so they had to empty one just for me. "wow! i feel so special!" i said sarcastically. the officer rolled his eyes. "cut that out. do you want to call someone? your parents? "

"yeah actually"

the officer walked away to go do something and left me in the cell. i stood up and punched the wall. "fuck! fuck fuck fuck!" i yelled. i knew i couldn't call darry, he didn't have the money too. neither did my parents. that left me one option.


"bob!" i exclaimed when i saw him walking back towards me. i ran out and hugged him. "thank you so fucking much" i realized who i was hugging a second later and let go quickly. i dusted myself off and said "can i go now?"

the officer nodded and bob and i walked out of the station together.

when we got to the car bob sighed and looked over at me. "what the fuck did you do?"

"i pulled my switch on the guy selling tickets cause he wouldn't let daija in" bob let out a laugh and rolled his eyes. "where am i taking you?"

"uh curtis house please" he nodded and pulled out of the parking lot towards their house.

My Boy |Johnny Cade|Where stories live. Discover now