372 14 3

Nancydrew🌈📷: I had a good day

Gaythankgod🌈: fUN

VeroCoourer💖🌈: me to 

Gingerfootball🏈: Did you guys fuck or something

Nancydrew🌈📷: what NO 

VeroCooper💖🌈: why would you even ask that?


Nancydrew🌈📷: No I got a dog!

Gaythankgod🌈: Show us

Nancydrew🌈📷: say hello to my little bean

Gingerfootball🏈: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Gingerfootball🏈: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

VeroCooper💖🌈: aw

Gingerfootball🏈: how's little Alexander doing?

Nancydrew🌈📷: good he's a little adorable kid smol

Nancydrew🌈📷: good he's a little adorable kid smol

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(Ignore the date stamp)

Gaythankgod🌈: 😍 aw

Don'tTouchmybenie🙇: cute but has anyone seen Cheryl

Cherylcherry🍒: I'm here and I'm queer

VeroCooper💖🌈: we all are

Cherylcherry🍒:what we talking about

Gaythankgod🌈: scroll up

Cherylcherry🍒: as

Cherylcherry🍒: aw

Cherylcherry🍒: you're killing me with cuteness guys

Nancydrew🌈📷:we meet the farm

VeroCooper💖🌈: their..........

Nancydrew🌈📷: different

VeroCooper💖🌈:for starters you have to have a "baptism" where you can almost DIE

 Gaythankgod🌈: tf do you mean?

Nancydrew🌈📷: well they put you under water and you stay their until you get "reborn"

VeroCooper💖🌈: or if you don't you die

Gingerfootball🏈: FUN

Cherylcherry🍒: sounds lit

Don'tTouchmybenie🙇: tf

Gaythankgod🌈: cool

Nancydrew🌈📷: I'm going to add our parents

VeroCooper💖🌈: NO

Gaythankgod🌈: DON'T

Cherylcherry🍒: DO

Gingerfootball🏈: IT

Don'tTouchmybenie🙇: BETTY

Nancydrew🌈📷: added AliceInRiverdale🍷FPCones🍦Freddy🙏 HermonieGranger🐸🍵HiramLodge💩 Penelopiceoftrash and SheriffKiller😘

FPCones🍦: betty wtf

HiramLodge💩: VERONICA where the hell have you been?

VeroCooper💖🌈: well dad I got married you now the wedding you refused to go to I had the kid you told me to abort I bought a house And got a dog and living happily married to Betty Cooper the love of my life our son Alexander and are dog bean

Nancydrew🌈📷: Quick question why didn't you come to our wedding Mr.Lodge?

HiramLodge💩: Because being gay is gross 😵 you are sick

Gaythankgod🌈:  Excuse me BiTcH we are not "sick" we should be able to love who ever we want it's in no way affecting you so just stay out of it

Penelopieceoftrash: I agree with Hiram

Nancydrew🌈📷: kicked out Penelopieceoftrash and HiramLodge💩

HermioneGranger🐸🍵: how is Alexander doing ronnie?

VeroCooper💖🌈: great mom

SheriffKiller😘: Kevin do the dishes or I'll arrest you

Gaythankgod🌈: FINE

Gaythankgod🌈 logged off

Freddy🙏: Archie I need help down at the construction site can you help?

Gingerfootball🏈: sure!

Freddy 🙏 and Gingerfootball🏈 logged off

FPCones🍦: betty you're mom hot

Don'tTouchmybenie🙇: kicked FPCones🍦 out of the chat

AliceinRiverdale🍷: Jughead your dad's hot

Nancydrew🌈📷: kicked AliceinRiverdale🍷 out of the chat


Nancydrew🌈📷: good bye everyone


VeroCooper💖🌈: bye oh wait we live together

Cherylcherry🍒: bye

Don'tTouchmybenie🙇: see ya

HermioneGranger🐸🍵: 👋

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