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Nancydrew🌈📷: hey guys?

Gaythankgod🌈: Yes?????

Nancydrew🌈📷: Do you ever think that we are just fictional? In like a book or a show?

Gingerfootball🏈: No why

Nancydrew🌈📷: I don't know just thought

VeroCooper💖🌈: babe stop texting at 3:00 A.M. It's lighting up the room

Cherylcherry🍒: cAn YoU aLl ShUt ThE fUcK uP

Don'tTouchmybenie🙇: No.

VeroCooper💖🌈: betty this girl looks just like you

VeroCooper💖🌈: betty this girl looks just like you

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liliDABhart🌈: hey bitchs

Nancydrew🌈📷: who the fuck are you?

liliDABHART🌈: Bitc h im you

LittleNugget🌈: Veronica

VeroCooper💖🌈: Yes?

LittleNugget🌈: I'm you

Gaythankgod🌈: whos me

CaseyCottAfish🌈: MEEEE

Gingerfootball🏈: whos me?

ForeignerKJ💖: me!

Don'tTouchmybenie🙇: how about me?

ColeSprouts😐: me

Nancydrew🌈📷: I told you you looked like cole from five feet apart 

Cherylcherry🍒: me?

TheRealGingerMadds🙏: mee girl

LiliDABhart🌈: we play you in a show called Riverdale

Nancydrew🌈📷: Are me and Ronnie still married in the show?

LiliDABhart🌈: Yes everything that happens in this different universe happens in the show

LittleNugget🌈: And before you ask Veronica yes me and Lil I are together

VeroCooper💖🌈: are you a fucking mind read????!!?!!

LittleNugget🌈: lucky guess

ForeignerKJ💖: well we have to get back to work see you mates

Gingerfootball🏈: WHAT DON'T LEAVE


Nancydrew🌈📷: hOw

LiliDABhart🌈: bye guys

Hope you enjoyed my bad writing skills congrats to @Maddsthewriter04 and @lhansnerl for find each and dating xoxo bye stay gay🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Riverdale group chats\\BeronicaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora