That shut Mori up, but also made her concerned for you. She thought that since you two had been friends for years that you would at least confide in her more. Apparently, that wasn't the case.

"I'll tell Akira about my schedule and see if it works out," you tell Mori blankly, "tomorrow we have school again, don't forget this time." You leave her outside the café and go back inside. Mori stands outside, watching you with anger and sadness in her expression. Something had gone wrong with you, she just had to find out what it was.


"... I see, I'll contact when you're free then." You explain to Akira as you put away sets of paperwork, most of them being schedules.

"I'll text you back if I'm not doing anything else." Akira explains. "You know, you really didn't need all this paperwork for me."

"Of course I did, I must always be prepared. Besides, I'm not very good at remembering things." You shrug and admit, finishing the last drops of your coffee. "Oh, and excuse me for being curious, but why are you here? Are you a part-timer or something?"

"He's a part-timer." Sojiro interrupts Akira as he only starts to barely open his mouth.

"Oh, I see..." Inside, you were doubtful, since Mori had told you only moments earlier that she had seen him going upstairs when the shop was closed. To you, this possibly meant he was housed at the tiny café. Your only wonder was why he was there in the attic, why exactly did he do? Why was here?

The TV was the only thing that kept the silence at bay. Talk show hosts and gossip show hosts filled the air with the sounds of sweet, juicy news. You trace you cup with your finger as you listen to it, intrigued with the current topic.

"You have to move schools this time around, don't you?" The host talks to his guest who had a smile perched on his face. You couldn't tell if the smile was real or not. "Especially since your current school has done quite a poor job of keeping fangirls away."

The guest laughs. "Yes, I will be transferring this time around," he admits, "I'm well aware that the move will be painful, but it isn't because of the fangirls. My new school has been decided for me already, and I think it's a well thought out choice."

"Oh really, any insight onto what it is?"

"It's a secret for now." The guest and host chuckle together, but you only click your tongue and stand up, preparing to leave.


Akira watches you leave, while Morgana trembles in fear as he looks at Akita's phone. "Something the matter?" Akira asks him.

'That girl is a monster..." Morgana violently shakes, a cold breeze flowing through him. "I should stay away from her unless I want to be killed..."


"No one told me Humans can keep snakes as pets! Who the hell keeps a snake for a fun?" He paws the picture Mori sent of you letting a snake coil around your arm. A terrarium was behind you on a table, so it was blatantly obvious that it wasn't some random snake.

"That is a bit terrifying."


Akechi looks out the window of the car as it drives, assessing the city as it passes. It was quite the pain to have to transfer schools so early, especially with exams coming up. He had so many more important things to do, school was not one of them, the press was not one of them, you were not one of them.

"My daughter's dreamed of this school." The chauffeur tries to make small talk with the high school detective. "Are you excited to go here, Mr Akechi?"

"Of course," Akechi lies, "I've heard many prodigy students went here."

"So they did sir, so they did."

They slow to a stop as they stop light appears. One small building catches the detective's eye, a petite bookstore with a nice looking old woman tending to the flowers decorating around the door. Akechi made a mental note to stop by after school, maybe pick up a few books while he was there. The car continues on driving when the light turns green and within a few more minutes, they arrived.

"What time shall I pick you up?" Asks the chauffeur as Akechi begins to exit the car.

"No need to pick me up," He smiles kindly at him, "I have my own needs of transportation to get home."

"Oh, what might that be, sir?"

"It's a secret." He winks and places a finger over his lips. The chauffeur laughs and nods.

"Then will you be using that means of transportation to go to school as well."

"I'll see."

"Very good, sir, have a lovely day at your new school." The chauffeur drives off as Akechi waves goodbye to him. Once he was out of sight, the detective prince goes to the entrance of the front of the school, with barely any students filing in. He goes to the bike racks and checks to see if what he had planted had stayed. Much to his delight, the delightfully dull bike had stayed, not daring enough to be moved or stolen.

'I think I'll blend in quite well here...'

The bell rings and more students begin to file in, there were more appearances of students with chauffeurs and buses than bikes. Akechi counted five bikes other than his to be exact. He turns away from the rack and starts to head in, feeling a bit more normal, something he wasn't used to in his everyday life.

That's when it happened.

"Ok, now get off, you're a pain to bike with." A feminine voice tells someone as a bike rolls in with two people.

"You're such a good driver~" Another voice praises the other one with a sing-song tone. "I loved how you avoided that bus."

"I wouldn't have been in that situation where I almost landed into a hospital if you didn't hug me from behind so hard like that."

"That's because I love you!"


The second voice chuckles. Akechi was too involved with the conversation to ignore the two now, but he knew he had to escape quickly. One of the voices sounded too familiar to one he dreaded to hear, one in which he'd rather die than hear that voice over and over.

"Dialect in front of him? How daring?"

She noticed.

You look up from locking your bike to the rack to see a dreaded sight, a person who you hated with a passion.

He looked back to see a horrendous sight, a person whom he saw as an annoying obstacle.

As the bell rings, you run away from Akechi with Mori, holding her hand. Your heart and brain were pounding with a mess of emotions, none of them positive.

 Your heart and brain were pounding with a mess of emotions, none of them positive

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Pure Demon and Dirty Angel (Akechi x Reader x Akira)Where stories live. Discover now