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Hey everybody! You're about to read Harry and Ginny (title work in progress) the story of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley on their crazy journey to find love. I hope you enjoy the story!

The purpose of this story is for 100% YOUR ENTERTAINMENT!! Nothing in here is nonfiction. This is all fanfiction from the bowels of my random brain. The target audience obviously my fellow Wattpadders, Wattpad Officials, Contest Judges, and Reviewers. I am purely trying to entertain these people using my wits and J. K. Rowling's characters.

The only editing method I use is Grammarly. Get the extension on your computer or phone:

Cover by @ohabigail

She'd be happy to make you one, too!

Link to her cover shop:

Harry and GinnyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang