Chapter Three

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Malfoy was snogging a girl. Lavender Brown to be exact. A Gryffindor and a Slytherin. Dravender. Anything else you want to call it.

Harry couldn't believe that Malfoy actually had FEELINGS.

Malfoy was usually this cold person. Harry wanted to make a laughing stock of Malfoy.

He knew what his plan was.

Harry was watching as, Draco Malfoy, his lifelong rival, was snogging a Gryffindor. Lavender Brown to be exact. It was kind of gross.

Harry felt his body being slammed into piles of makeshift objects. Finnigan was going in.

Seamus pushed past Ginny, who was staring at her hand that was shielding her eyes.

As soon as Lavender peeked out of the corner, tiniest crack, in her eyelid and saw Seamus circling around them for a better aim. She didn't squirm. She didn't break away from the kiss. She didn't even flinch when she peeked at him. Draco Malfoy was too into the kiss to notice.

Seamus, not even regarding the kiss, crept over to the vanishing cabinet. Eggs. There were eggs in the vanishing cabinet. Who would've thought?

When Seamus grabbed the eggs and turned around, his face expression was evil and devilish.

Ginny was too scared to watch so she didn't. There was a large scream. Ginny snapped her eyes open. Lavender and Draco were scrambling to brush the shells and yolk remains off their clothes. Eggs were in both of their blonde hair. The common room was going to be fun tonight.

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