Chapter 2

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The next morning, I woke up still in pain, " you're finally awake," he said.

I quickly looked for him around the mysterious room and found him in the corner looking at me dead in the eye, " I thought you won't wake up anymore, I may sound concerned, but I'm not." Instead of giving back an answer like a bitch, I just said, "thank you for saving me, even though I know it wasn't your plan to save me at all." 

I looked down realizing I'm wearing somebody else's clothes, I gave him a "did-you-touch-me" look, "I know you're giving me that look, but all I did is cure that reckless scars of yours and just casually changed your clothes since you're soaking wet."

I took a deep breathe and try to stand up, but when I take my first step, I suddenly lose my balance, "have you lost your damn mind!?" he shouted. I literally forgot, my dad shot my leg, that's so over abusive crap he did to me. "I'm sorry, I just forgot I was shot by an asshole." He carried me to the dining table and cooked some ramen for me,  "aren't you hungry?" I asked.

He left the dining table and came back with a first aid kit along with other sharp stuff, "woah woah, hold on, what the hell are you going to do?!" I exclaimed. He gave me a look and touched my leg, "distract yourself by eating while I take the bullet out, it may hurt 'cause I've been there before." I began eating my ramen while I keep on resisting the pain, "just wait a little longer." 

Not long after when the bullet was off, it happened to give me a relief, he then sewed my wound and covered it with a cloth, "um thank you, you don't really have to do all this, you should've stop on the saving me part, this is too much, but still I owe you lots." He suddenly covered my mouth.

"When can you shut up? But anyways, you're welcome, you can stay here as long  as you want until you're ready to go," I gave him a nod, "by the way if you don't mind, what's your name?" I asked.

"A kidnapper like me will never tell their name, but it seems like you're not that type of person who gossips, it's Kaji. What about you?" he asked back. "It's Ishiko." Kaji stand up in front of me closely, " like i said, you can stay here as long as you want. but I'm just letting you know that you're mine and just because I let you stay that doesn't mean you're really free 'cause you should be aware of me too,  so becareful."

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