Chapter I: Thank you, swings.

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I sat down at the swings of this old park, wondering what the heck is going on with me. I mean I hate school but can't seem to let myself be late. So yeah, here I am, waiting for the school to actually start. I took my iPod out of my bag, plugged it in my ears and let the music take me to Never-land. OK, not exactly take me there, just my imagination.

I haven't even landed to Never-land when I saw a guy standing meters away from me. He is unfamiliar but darn, he is good-looking. I just couldn't look away from him, he must have noticed my staring because he looked at my direction and smiled. Oh la la~ I blushed instantly, but still waved at him in return. He is so handsome that I felt my brain gone numb, is that even possible?

I heard our school bell rang, so I stood and walked up to my school. As I entered the gate I saw my gal-friends who were gathered around the waiting area of the school.

"Hey guys!" I called out to them.

They seemed to be busy about something since they didn't even turned to look at me. Typical them. Gushing or gossiping about someone, they never failed to receive the hottest news of this school or town. So, I decided to play a harmless prank on them; I sneaked behind them and did my best imitation of our principal's voice, "You know that gossiping is bad, yeah?" I saw them stilled.

"We're very sorry, Ma'am. We didn't mean to." They apologized. I had burst out laughing when they turned around and glared at me. I just continued laughing. They threw their chips' wrappers at me and continued glaring. The boys came after that, I told them the story and they laughed too.

"That's my Doll." Dave said as he ruffled my hair. We were always like this, calling nicknames and messing with each other. He is like an older brother since I grew without any. I hugged him so tightly that he couldn't breathe, well his fault for teaching me his technique of suffocating people.

He glared at me all the way to our first subject while I chuckled silently. We didn't have to go to our locker since we use laptops for our lectures and stuffs. Mr. Sheridan was already there when we arrived, Dave and I went to our seats which are located on the back and settled our laptop on our desks. Too much radiation, I tell you.

"So how are you two?" Mr. Sheridan asked us, a smiled plastered on his handsome face.

"We are grand." I had answered while Dave replied, "Fine." I shook my head at his reply, I mean Mr. Sheridan is his older bro, so why is he ackin' so cray cray? When Mr. Sheridan was on college, he and Dave are very close but something happened and that something is still a mystery.

Mr. Sheridan had started the discussion when almost all of my classmates arrived. I looked out the window when Cole or Mr. Sheridan went out to get something. I was wondering why the heck I didn't see the guy again. OK, this is so weird. I am like obsessing over a guy I didn't even know.

Mr. Sheridan came back but he was not alone, he was with...

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