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"SOMEONE CALL 911" I screamed as tears formed in my eyes

But I guess someone already called cause I heard sirens far but they were coming

"Please stay with me Amelia, they're coming to help you just don't go" I cried holding her in my arms stroking her hair

The twins were crying in Amelia's brothers arms and Aaron was crying too but right now all that mattered to me was Amelia and my baby girl

I couldn't stop crying just begging for her to open her eyes but she layed limp in my arms

I couldn't lose Amelia
I loved her so fucking much

The paramedics came around with a stretcher and lifted Amelia and layed her on it and went back to the front of the house and put her in the ambulance

They let me in with her and I texted Ethan to leave Aaron and the twins with mom and to come to the hospital with Amelia's brothers

It was hard to type cause I was crying and shaking and I couldn't think straight

"We can't try anything here cause she's pregnant so we have to wait till we arrive to the hospital" One of the paramedic said

"What do you mean you can't. She knocked out" I said loudly

"Sir we could potentially cause damage to the baby with any medication or electricity" He said making me frustrated

We finally arrive at the hospital and they rush her out and into the hospital yelling "code blue, code blue" making me confused

I followed them but a nurse stopped me and told me to wait in the waiting room

After 5 minutes of pacing and pulling my hair stressed and worried, Ethan with her brothers and sister came in running

"Anything?" Amelio asked and I shook my head

They all sat down but me and Armando who waited for the doctor

"Father I need the father of Amelia's child now" A doctor shouted running in the waiting room making my heart pound

"I'm the father" I said and he motioned me to walk to him fast

"Ok we are running out of time and you need to make a decision. She needs to have a C-section cause she can't push. But in order to to do that you need to pick who to save cause we won't be able to save both there is no possible way I am so sorry sir" He said really fast making me pissed

"So your telling me to chose between the love of my life or my child?" I asked raising my voice

"Sir if we preform the C-section and we try to save your wife then the baby will die and if we save the baby then the mother dies. If you don't chose now we will chose for you but you need to chose fast" He said making me break down

They let me into the delivery room cause I was the dad

Watching them cut into her stomach seeing blood pour out

The whole process made me sick knowing I couldn't do anything to save both of them. And they made me chose

The doctor took the baby out of the stomach and cut the umbilical cord and placed the baby on a table and the nurses rushed the baby out

They stitched Amelia back up and took their gloves off

"I know the decision was tough dad I'm sorry for your loss" The doctor said then walked out

"I know the decision was hard bro but you did good" Ethan said patting me shoulder then walked down the hallway

I fell to my knees crying as hot tears rolled down my cheeks fast

I can't believe I lost her so fast.

I whipped my tears away and walked into the room and walked to her bed seeing her sleeping hanging onto her little life

"I'll protect you with my life my gorgeous little Isabella Amelia Dolan" .......

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