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I ran upstairs scared something was wrong and she was hurt, I skipped so many steps and almost broke the gate and ran to the room seeing her laying down on her phone

"W-What happened. A-are you ok" I asked trying to catch my breath as I leaned down on my knees

"Ya everything's fine why" she asked making me shoot up mad

"WHY??? Amelia you screamed for help! I thought you were hurt" I said and she giggled making me more mad

"And you think this is funny ok." I said and she tried hiding her giggled

"I'm sorry baby, I was going to ask if you could rub my belly cause I'm uncomfortable and watch Netflix with me" She said smiling cause she knows I love cuddling with her

I rolled my eyes and kicked my shoes off and got into bed with her, I pulled her close to me and rubbed under her baby bump and kissed her shoulder as she picked a show

"Ohhhh on my block came out with the new season!" She said way to excited playing it making me giggle

(Btw I freaking love that show and watched the second season the day it came out last Friday. The ending was ass cause Ik they gon make us wait another year for the 3rd season but I can't wait)

"Baby do you love me" She asked making me look at her like she was dumb

"Nooo" I said sarcastically and she rolled her eyes smiling

"Can you go get me snacks then smartass" She said making me chuckle

"Anything for my baby" I said kissing her and her baby bump and got up

"Wait which one" She said making me laugh and open the gate when I heard small footsteps coming from Ethan's room

He's been with Ethan a lot cause I asked Ethan to watch him more so he doesn't see Amelia in pain

"Dada" Aaron said making me smile

I picked him up and walked downstairs with him then opened the gate downstairs and set him down, he followed me around making me chuckle as he looked up at me just looking at me

I grabbed some snacks for Amelia and Aaron and walked to the stairs and opened the gate and let Aaron crawl up the stairs cause he loves it

He laughed loudly as he got more up the stairs making my heart explode. I love this kid so much.

Just his laugh could make me feel better, although he prefers Amelia I still love him more than life

We make it to the top and he runs to my room and screams hearing Amelia scream with him as I heard him laugh after

I closed the gate and walked in there seeing her tickling him till they both looked at me

I set the snacks down and layed behind her and she pressed play

Aaron is a really good baby cause when she pressed play he just lays there next to her not making a sound

She opened his snacks first then winced making me worried

"The baby is just kicking really hard" She said giving Aaron his snacks

I layed her back and rubbed her under belly and she looked at me confused

"What" I asked and she giggled

"Your not allowed to leave my side now" She said making me chuckle

"I don't mind that but why now" I asked still rubbing under her belly

"Cause as soon as you touch my stomach the baby stops moving like the baby needs your touch or something" She said making me blush

"Aww are you blushing" She teased making me roll my eyes

"Watch your show" I said making her laugh

"This baby is making you mad soft" She teased again watching her show

I kissed her shoulder and looked passed her seeing Aaron's eyes getting heavy

He dropped his snack and rolled over and curled into Amelia and fell asleep

I wouldn't trade this for anything...

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