
"Hi Mum!" I took the flowers from Harry and placed them down beside Danny's. "I brought somebody to meet you today -"

"Hi Anna, I'm Harry." My head snapped towards his voice, and he placed his hand on my shoulder. My heart soared as I saw no hint he was teasing me.

"This is my boyfriend, he's pretty awesome." I smiled as I linked my hand with his again. "He doesn't scream when he's on my bike. He's been living with me in my apartment for the last month, it's been nice. I think you'd really like him." I paused when I felt tears prick my eyes at the thought she'd never meet him.

"She's the awesome one. You made a truly wonderful daughter." Harry squeezed my hand, and I was able to get control of my emotions.

"Oh - I have a new internship. It's so cool. I get to meet lots of great people and hear lots of new music. Uhm - Lori is buying an apartment with her boyfriend, he's friends with Harry." I paused. There was so much I had to tell her. "Shit! I almost forgot about Severus. We have a cat and he's so cute, he loves cuddles -"

"Well, he loves to cuddle with you. Not so much with me." Harry chuckled as he looked down at the fresh claw marks on his arm.

"But you love him." I nudged him.

"Yes, I love him and I love you." He smiled down at me.

"Jessi? Angel? We need to go soon or else everyone will beat us to dinner." Danny called softly.

"OK. Gotta go Mum. Harry's family are coming for dinner at Danny's tonight. Happy Birthday! I love you and I miss you." I kissed the tips of my fingers and placed them against her headstone as I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"Bye Anna. It was nice talking to you." Harry added, wrapping his arm around my waist. I held him tight, feeling incredibly grateful that he came here with me and that he didn't laugh at me for conversing with my Mother who was no longer of this world.

"Thank you for letting me be a part of that moment with you, Jess." Harry kissed away the tears on my cheeks and I climbed into the back of Danny's car feeling weirdly calm. I still felt sad but not the deep depths of despair like my previous visits. I didn't feel trapped in the darkness with no way out and I didn't feel alone.

"You okay, Angel?" Danny turned to ask, and I nodded my head. I was okay. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah. Let's eat." I replied. A nervous ball building in my stomach. I hoped this went well.


Harry was helping me set the table when I heard a clatter come from the kitchen.

"Can you finish up here while I go make sure he's okay?" I squeezed Harry's arm as I made my way into the kitchen to find out if Danny was still in one piece.

"Knocked over the empty pan." Danny grinned as I walked into the room but he looked anything but calm. He was sweating like nobody's business and I'd never seen him look more on edge.

"Hey, at least it was empty. You okay?" I smiled as I picked up the object which had made all the noise.

"There's five of them Jess, there's only two of us. What if this goes tits up and they hate me?" Danny choked out as he flapped around the kitchen aimlessly.

"Stop! They won't hate you, you're the best and besides we're more than a match for them, big softies!" I chuckled. "Now Harry and I have set the table so how about you head upstairs and change out of that shirt, I'll keep an eye on everything in here." Everything smelled delicious. He'd made Roast Chicken with garlic potatoes and a roasted veg and kale salad. My mouth was watering at the thought of tasting everything.

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