End of first year

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Malfoy's POV~

I watched as she pushed past us, Millicent trying to calm her down. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. This whole time I thought she was just a bubbly shine of light that did nice things for people.

I never thought I'd hear words like that come from her mouth. The words barely bothered me, it was the way she looked that scared me. Her once bright sea green eyes had turned stormy, her laughing face made her look insane and I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"Hey," I jumped when I felt two hands clamp onto my shoulders.

I looked behind me to see Leo and Harley, "What was that about? Hurting our dear sister?"

Leo had a smile on his face, but was clearly pissed.

I shoved their hands off of me, "Piss off, I did nothing."

Harley looked at Leo. Leo's eyes were covered by his hair, but I saw him nod slightly. Harley looked at me with such a strong look, if looks could kill, he would incinerate me.

"Don't think this is over, try our sister again and you'll have three Riddle's to worry about." Harley shoved his hands in his pockets.

They walked away, that red headed muggleborn Hufflepuff following them. She was trying to calm them, but what confused me was the boy still standing there. He looked at his friends walking away, then turned to me with a smile.

His hair went from purple to red, "Don't worry about them, they didn't mean it. Here."

He handed me a lollipop, he bounced away to catch up to his friends. I handed the lollipop to Crabbe, he opened it and it exploded in his face.

Riddle and her family are really out to get me now. I left the group and went back to my dorm. Riddle came up with the idea of me hanging out with Parkinson for the last day. I was against it, but she had a whole presentation on how it'd work.

However, after she suggested it yesterday, father sent an owl with a note. He said there'd be an important talk waiting for me when I got home. I didn't know what it could be about, I've done nothing wrong this close to the end of the year.



Small time skip & Your POV~

We boarded the train, Leo and Harley wanted us all to sit together so we got on together. Anna and Aaron were talking about Potions, meanwhile, Millicent and Blaise were now arguing over where to go for the summer.

"What do you think?" Leo asked, looking out the window of our compartment.

Harley shrugged, "Our world couldn't get weirder, but somehow it found a way."

I stared out of the window, I didn't bother answering. Things are changing...I'll have to keep up if I don't want to be left behind.

"Am I too nice to people?" I blurted the words out, it was like word vomit.

Leo looked at me confused, "No, why would it matter? You should always be nice."

The Snakes Princess (Draco Malfoy X OC/Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin