Waiting For You (Fred Weasley)

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Waiting For You
Fred Weasley

9:15 AM, 14TH OF APRIL, 1998

Judging from the look of awe on Fred's face, it was his first time in a cafe. The Coffee House wasn't anything special and it was moments like this that reminded me how much of a clueless pureblood he really was. "It smells like dreams," he whispered as I pulled him away from the bustling entrance. I sniffled a laugh as we stood in line, knowing all too well about his love of coffee.

The cafe clearly experienced the rush every morning as the staff hardly batted an eyelash at the growing amount of people. With three baristas slaving away and the girl at the counter not messing up a single order, every customer was leaving with a smile on their face and a hot drink in their hand. "Okay dream boy," I said nudging Fred to pay attention while the woman in front made her order, "what are you having?"

He studied the board with a lot of concentration before finally deciding on a cappuccino because "there's nothing wrong with a classic." After ordering we moved to the side with a group of people also waiting for their coffees. Fred was being very impatient and kept slowly rocking on his heels and sticking out his head anytime someone said cappuccino. "You know, sometimes I wish I hadn't saved you from that falling wall," I teased watching him. He gasped, clutching his heart as if wounded. I had always been more skilled in defensive spells than attacking and the force field spell I spent months to perfect came in very useful throughout the whole of last year's battle.

"You hardly saved me," he retorted pompously, "like a falling wall could kill off Fred Weasley," and he puffed his chest out as if impersonating Percy.

I scoffed a laugh just as a barista called out "one cappuccino and a long black." Fred's head snapped to me in question. I nodded and moved forward to pick up our order. The barista had already moved on to continue orders. I reached out to the two drinks just as someone did the same thing. "Oh," I uttered as our hands clashed. Looking up, ready to tell the person they had the wrong order, the words died in my mouth. He was very handsome. Tall and burly with dark hair cut in a smart Clark Kent style. "Uh," I tried again as he smiled down at me. He still hadn't removed his hand from mine. "I think you have the wrong order," I finally managed.

He opened his own mouth to say something when the barista came back to the counter and shouted out the exact same order. He grinned at me, removed his hand and took the new coffees. "I think," he said looking back at me, "that we had the same order. These must be mine." I gulped feeling my face heat up with embarrassment.

"What's taking you Pres?" Fred said suddenly popping up and I snapped my gaze away from the guy. Fred was looking between him and me with a very odd look on his face.

"Um," I said collecting my thoughts, "I was just talking to..." but my words died off when I realised I didn't know his name.

"Andy," he said coming to my recuse. "Andy Marshall. We have the same order and got a little mixup," he said with a chuckle. Fred, who didn't seem to find the situation at all amusing, looked at the cups in distaste, before turning back to Andy.

"I'm Presley by the way," I said ignoring Fred's odd behaviour, "and this is my friend Fred," and I subtly dug my heel into the redhead's foot as a warning to be nice. Fred's expression didn't change. Andy didn't seem to notice and continued to look at me.

"Where do you guys study?" he asked. I was a little confused with his question as it was uncommon for wizards to go to uni after their schooling years. But then I remembered that we were in a muggle shop and Andy was a muggle.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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