*The Car Ride*

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Olivia got into the passenger side of Elliot's squad car. Slamming the door, making her anger known. Pulling out of the lot Elliot tried to make as much small conversation as possible. But after about five minutes he realized that she wasn't focusing on him. He watched as she stared out the window. The crack in the window allowing wind to flow through her hair.

She was gorgeous. 'Stop, Elliot! What are you thinking? You and Cathy are just getting over a divorce.'Elliot thought to himself. But he couldn't help it. The way she looked just made his heart skip a beat. The car slowed as they pulled up to a red light.

BLAM! Olivia's face slammed against the window. A car behind them had slammed into their bumper. Elliot gasped looking around. The last thing he saw was an eighteen wheel mac-truck slamming into the driver side.

Olivia's head was spinning. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't. She realized what just happened and jerked, trying to move. She felt unusual pressure and realized her legs were pinned. She frantically started to worry reaching around for Elliot. She realized they were sitting upside down. The car had flipped. She felt warmth. She was touching Elliot's chest. She felt his chest move. In and out. He was breathing. "He's breathing!" She tried to shout but barely made a noise. There was a paramedic beside the car. "Ma'am, you need to restrain from speaking. You could go into subdio-cardiac arrest. But she wasnt listening. " Ma'am! Stop struggling, the jaws of life are going to get to get the dash, but you have to stay still. She refused. She continued trying to free her legs. She felt a sharp pain in her arm. The paramedic had to sudate her.

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