[PFMH] Three

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Challenge Two- Make it public.

After replying to Lexi's text, I put on my shoes and grab my car keys.

"I'm so not ready for this..." I mutter.

When I pull into the school parking lot, I see a group of laughing guys and glaring girls. And I see him.

Once I park, Aaron pushes everyone out of the way and comes over to me. He snatches my keys out of my hand and puts them in his back pocket. I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from screaming at him. Aaron slides his arm around my waist and I'm forced to follow him over to his group of "friends." The few minutes of flirting and talking are torture. The bell rings, and people start to drift away, but I'm still tense. Everyone must know by now. This. Sucks.

Almost everyone's gone, and I'm about to break away and run to my class when Aaron takes me by surprise.

He shoves me into a janitor's closet.

Before I even realize what's going on, the door is closed and locked, and Aaron has a hand on each of my shoulders. I struggle as hard as I can, but it's like pushing against a rock. Why does he have to be so strong?

"Why are you doing this?" he hisses. "Don't you know you're gonna lose?"

"I got dared, Jaxter." I spit. Somehow calling him by his last name makes my reply fiercer. "And I never back down from a dare." Smiling smugly, I tease him even further. "Why, are you scared? Is the player afraid of losing?"

Aaron snarls. And then he leans in. When his lips are an inch away from mine, he stops and whispers, "I don't know why you're doing this. But if I were you, I'd give up now. Because honey, I never lose."

He's just about to kiss me when I move. And Aaron's pretty little face rams into the wall behind me.

"Oops. Sorry babe. I hope that doesn't bruise too bad... Now we'd better get to class, don't you think? Wouldn't want people to... assume."

He's clutching his nose when I pull him out of the closet. Everyone stares, and I grin back slyly. I get on the tips of my toes, kiss him on the cheek, and whisper, "See you later, Jaxter."

And then I skip to my first class. As thoroughly disgusted as I am, I'm starting to think this'll actually be kind of fun...

Aaron's P.O.V.

Damn, she's hot.

But she sure knows how to get under my skin.

I skip my first period class and jog over to the track. Rodney's yelling at 5th graders while they try to run their mile; his face is turning it's familiar tomato-red. He waves me over when he sees me and I jump the fence to stand next to him.

Rodney takes on look at my face and busts out laughing. I scowl, and he tells me to meet him at the fieldhouse. Typical "Coach Davis"; he's always making fun of people. But I'm used to it by now. Rodney's been my Coach since middle school, and he's more like a strict, sarcastic dad to me now.

He comes in and throws me a pack of ice. While I hold it up to my nose, he sits down and just watches me. I wait for him to ask me what happened, but he doesn't. I just know he's waiting for me to speak up. But I won't tell him. How am I supposed to explain to my coach that I got injured like this because of a girl?

I end up not telling him, but I know word'll get around eventually. And I guess that's all just part of the game...

The game I plan on winning.

- Alyssa <3

So, the next chapter WILL be better! I love you all!(: Thanks so much for reading! VOTE!

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