Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Kia's pov

I was scared to go home the next morning in fear of what would happen.

Was my dad still there?

Did he get this taken care of?

Was my mom mad at me?

I was just standing at my front door.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to go in.

I was too scared.

I guess it's now or never.

I walked in to see my mom sitting on the couch crying, and my dad was pacing back and forth.

I never wanted this to happen.

I'm destroying my family.

My dad looked up and saw me.

"Kia come in and set down." My father said to me.

My mom didn't even look at me.

Then again I can't blame her I am the one that created all this drama.

I sat down in a chair away from my mom.

"Kia we want you to know this is not your fault. No one is mad at you."

I looked over at my mother and she smiled at me.

"So am I adopted?"

"No baby girl we think there was some mess up at the hospital, and well we were given someone else's child." My father said

Wait what?

"Does this mean I will be taken away from you guys?"

"No because your mother and I talked and we are not going to report this. We just need you to drop this. Do you think you can do that for us?"

I didn't know what to say.

They were my parents, but yet they weren't.

I was once again wondering who I was.

I looked at both my parent's, and knew I couldn't hurt them.

"Yes I will drop this. Thanks for being honest with me. I am going to get some sleep I barely slept last night."

"Sure we will talk some more later." My mom said.

I hurried up to my room before they could change their minds.

I know I said I would let this guy, but I am not sure if I can.

I needed to know who I am.

I can't do that unless I found out where I came from.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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