Shark Fishmen Law x Human Reader

Start from the beginning

"No, I kidnapped you." - His smart ass attitude didn't help your bad mood.

"'Cause that's much better!"

You stared into each other's eyes and confusion grew in you.

"If you kidnapped me, then how come you let me sleep on your bed?" - You asked, still sitting on him.

"Seeing as you don't remember, I'll tell you... I put you in a cell, you freaked out over the lying corpses and I had to get you out of there so you'd shut up." - He finished his explanation with an eye roll - "Got it, dumb human?"

"Yes. And I'm not dumb! Why are you doing this?!" - You jumped from his lap to stand beside the bed.

He sat up and you took two steps back.

"Where am I?" - You growled, if it was even possible.

"I needed a guinea pig, you were the closest I could get." - He blew on a weird coral thing and it formed a bubble. He put it around his waist, like a floater and stood up with a wicked smirked - "I'm tired from the male body, a female human body is quite rare to find in the seas..."

You shivered, afraid of this new crazy side of his.

You took two more steps back and he two to the front. With narrowed eyes you studied his relaxed posture and part of the room you could see without taking your eyes off him, wanting to find something to help you in the future fight.

"I refuse to be your lab rat! And stop calling me human in such mocking way, in case you haven't noticed you're part human too." - You pointed out, taking a step back again.

"I may look human, but I'm not. Our bodies work differently, they'll never be the same!" - He spit the words out with disgust - "Do not compare me to your kind!"

"Still, why?..." - You couldn't understand people like him, people who wanted death.

"Wouldn't you like to know..." - His smirk grew wide as he neared you.

A wall stopped you. Shit.

"I would. I honeslty would." - Your honesty and confidence in those words shocked him but he ignored the feeling in his chest.

When he first had told you you were his new guinea pig you thought that weeks later you wouldn't be here, living, breathing, to tell the story.

Apparently when he ment that he was actually using his weird powers on your body to cut it open, without hurting you, and watching your insides, literally. After the first two times it happenned you concluded he was simply studying your human body, so why the deformed corpses?...

You didn't dare ask, still not completely trusting him. But you had a feeling that was the reason exactly why he did what he did to the others, too much complaining or rebelling from their part made him snap, you presumed.

Apart from the daily visits to his office he did not bother you in any way. He brought you food, allowed you to bathe and insisted on you eating healthy. You were starting to think you signed up for a second mom, not a kidnapper... and a germophofic one to add.

You too studied him in return. At first you thought he was cold, boring and a total virgin for life but with time you knew better. You learned his habits, his smallest quirks and could tell apart each of his moods even if he kept on a straight face!

You got used to being with him and it didn't take long for you to fall for his charms...

"Law." - You called but he didn't budge, focused on your stomach in his his hads - "I feel funny."

He lifted his gaze with what to most would be a bored look but to you it was more of a worried one.

"I think... I've reached that t-time of the month." - You awkwardly played with your fingers, not able to look at him.


"You know... that time..." - You lifted your eyes to see his comletely and utterly confused face - "Oh right! Mermaids probably don't go through that. Well... -"

As you began to explain what would be happenning to you in the next few days you saw sweat drip from his jaw. Maybe you shouldn't have told him...

"Can I stop it?" - He asked, not aware how much worry his facial expression gave away.

"No." - You smiled at this, which only made him more confused - "Don't worry about it, I'll get better soon and you'll be able to carry on with your research!"

"I-I'm not worried!" - You giggled at his blushing cheeks.

You spent the rest of the day giggling and watching him in content, feelings his already gentle touch softer, more carefull than before. Law, on his side, couldn't concentrate with your weird smiling stare on him. It made him nervous for some unknown reason...

"Alright, stop!" - He stopped all his work to face you with a mad but also embarrassed look - "I don't want to hear any more giggles or feel your eyes on me!"

"Ok." - You usually would have made a small protest but today it felt like a bug had bit you and infected you with a virus called happiness.

Your eyes travelled around the room, never resting for more than 10 seconds anywhere. Your strange behaviour scared him, somehow... but he proceeded with work.

Once he was finished he put his toold side and told you to get out.

"Good night Law!" - Jumping from the medical bed, you hurried to his side and pressed your arm against his - "Thank you for being so understanding."

He nodded, still not used to your 'kind behaviour', he was not used to physical touch by his own species, even less coming from yours.

You tiptoed and kissed his cheek before storming out of the room, leaving him to curse in his embarrassement.

"Damned human!..." - He held himself against the medical bed, on his side, face red as a tomato, body trembling - "I'll get you back for toying with me... in a week."

He straightened himself and wipped his sweat from his forehead, beginning to feel something pocking out...

"Fuck! I'll get her. I'll fucking get her. I'll-I'll fucking fuck her-" - He sat himself on the medical bed seeing his genitals out from his shark tail.

He eyed the door before grabbing his member and strocking it.

"Damned human... making me feel t-things. Just wait until I learn how to do you..."

A/N: it wasn't a smut but I hope you liked it ;)

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A/N: it wasn't a smut but I hope you liked it ;)

(I needed to redeem myself from the last chapter x'D)

Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now