Lesson Number One

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean, 'for now'?"

I laughed, ignoring his question as I watched his eyebrows raise, forming lines on his forehead.

"I'm serious, Dani. Silence can only mean bad things."

Asher made a turn down a pebbled road that was surrounded by trees. Judging from the lack of tracks or trash, I assumed no one ever came here. So how was it then that this kid who just moved to town was able to find a place that not even those who had lived here all their lives could find? We kept going until we reached the end, parking right in front of a languid stream that stretched from one horizon to the next. I unbuckled, turning to Asher.

"Not necessarily. But remember, Asher, all things come at a price. Nothing is free in this world."

Asher rolled his eyes playfully upon hearing me quote him. "Alright, you, hop out. Let's begin our adventure."

The River was unlike any place I had ever travelled, any experience I had ever been a part of, and anything I had ever dreamed about. It was simply the only of its kind, beautiful in everything it was. The soft earth spread across the vast expanse of land like a meadow- vivd in colour wtih flowers cast about in a haphazard simplicity. Trees lined the edges of the bank, bending towards the stream with their branches hanging over as if they were trying to somehow meet with the other side in the middle, like long lost lovers. As we continued to walk deeper, listening to the birds' whistle and the leaves' crunch, I allowed my lungs to breathe deeper than I ever had before, taking in The River's unique aroma of burnt wood and clean air. If heaven claimed a piece of land on Earth, this was it.

It wasn't until we reached a burly rock that Asher stopped, removing his bag from his shoulder and taking a seat. Patting a spot ont he place next to himself, Asher urged me to join him, overlooking the stream. I complied, letting out a puff of air as I hoisted myself up, watching as Asher jumped up to a jovial stance, gazing off into the distance.

"Danielle Leigh, I welcome you to The River!"

A sense of pride filled Asher as he took in the beauty that surrounded him, puffing out his chest victoriously. Making his body one with his surroundings, Asher outsreteched his arms, letting the fluid air roll past him. It all reminded me of a proud parent of a child who just scored the winning goal of the championship game, proclaiming to everyone that that boy was indeed his. The River was Asher's pride and joy, and he was in awe. If everyone was loved and admired even half as much as The River was by Asher, we could end all wars in an instant. It was impossible not to fall in love with the way he was in love with The River, and I cursed myself for it.

"What do you think of her?" Asher huffed, still slightly out of breath from the adrenaline The River seemed to give him.

Despite the fact that I had never met someone so in love with anything or anyone, let alone a river, I knew it wasn't without reason. It really was an experience of its own. I admried the blue stream, rippling from the touch of wind that caressed its top layer. If only I could have the same effect on people as she did. "It's beautiful, peaceful, like this place was chosen for someone imperfectly perfect."

"She sure is," he sighed, the smile not leaving his face. "But," Asher turned so he was facing me,"have you figured out why we are here? Besides, of course, because there is no better place you could come by in all of the universe?"

I stared down at the rock, realizing I had entirely forgotten that Asher had an intended purpose in taking us here. "I have no idea. Unless,that is, you are a twisted psycopath who took me out of civilization to this beautiful unknown so you could kill me without the hassle of anyone hearing my screams."

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