Chapter 9

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Batman sighed- he had a long night ahead of him...and he had yet to find Captain Marvel.

- - -

Billy plopped down on his worn mattress, yawning widely as he shoved the golden staff under his pillow. The small boy turned over, grabbing the thick red blanket Chas had gotten him and pulling it over himself.

It was a nice comfort- something that he'd been unwilling to accept at first, but after the brunet kept insisting Billy had eventually relented.

He smiled at the warmth it gave him as he snuggled into his yellowing, worn pillow to sleep. Physically, he was exhausted, but mentally he was still running off the rush that came with summoning a god.

He hugged his pillow, pulling out the golden staff and turning it over in his hands. He smiled softly at it, running his fingers over the intricate carvings in the metal.

With a sigh he shoved it back under the pillow, curling up and letting out a breath. He really needed to sleep- John would probably want to start the search tomorrow.

He woke up slowly, something that was always welcome in the boy's eyes since he too often woke up with a start, sitting up straight in bed in a cold sweat. It came with the territory, centuries worth of memories and thoughts in the back of his mind coalescing into dreams.

Billy opened his eyes slowly to the beginnings of sunlight streaming in the boarded up window. It was one of the easiest times he'd ever had waking up.

The raven sat up slowly, yawning and moving a few stray black hairs out of his face. He found the golden staff still clutched in his hand and blinked at it- was that why he'd slept so peacefully? It'd make sense- the gods had a habit of looking over him, despite him telling them that he didn't need them to.

They were an overprotective bunch.

He set the rod down and got up, stretching and moving to the pair of cabinets that still had working doors. He opened them, peering inside and finding nothing but a can of tomato soup.

He didn't have a can opener and didn't really feel like drinking cold soup this morning, so he left it there. Billy stood up straight- maybe Constantine had something he could snatch.

When they'd first started working together, he'd felt bad about letting the man feed him, but after seeing how much he got paid for completing jobs for various demons or deities, he felt a bit better.

At least he wasn't gonna hurt the blonde financially if he let the man feed him. Billy pulled his shoes on, grabbed the golden staff, and looked around his room.

Apart from his comm, which was sitting on the counter, it didn't look like he needed anything.

The boy hesitated in grabbing the communicator before letting out a sigh. As much as he didn't like the breach of privacy, he still needed to be able to reach the League.

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