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I didn't get tagged, I'm just making my own tag.

1) Tag me
2) Answer the Questions

1) Weird fact abt yourself
2) Weird Fact abt yourself
3) White or Milk chocolate??
4) Best place in the house
5) Worst habit you have (appropriate ofc)
6) Lazy or Productive?
7) Tea or Coffee?
8) Sofa or Bed?
9) Minecraft or Fortnite? (Haha you better choose right)
10) What's your favourite event in History?

Imma do this myself now cus I can

1) I tend to get favourite songs but I NEVER learn the artist
2) I loose things really... REALLY easily
3) Dark chocolate (the other two are too sweet for me for something that isn't fruity)
4) The bathroom floor
5) Doodling over every sheet of paper that I touch if there's a pen in the vicinity
6) Haha this is easy

Very lazy
7) Coffee (What kind of monster would pick tea)
8) Bed, mines way softer
9) Minecraft (Who in their right mind would pick Fortnite)
10) Mine is the Salem Witch Trials, I personally think they're really cool, and a game I play is based after them (Town of Salem)

Tagging 10 peeps
1) Azeki_Wisp
2) DivinePumpkin
3) cookiesareyum13
4) OfficialMotherMary
5) AceOfHearts666
6) ArtisticNarwhal66
7) laurenslittlecorner
8) -Plague-
9) aphmau_shipper4life
10) alexjackson3004

Yo where's my salt at, I ordered it ages ago

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