Tagged again UwU

71 5 51


1) Do you have a crush?
I used to have a crush on a girl but she started dating my enemy, that was fun...

2) Middle name
My middle name is after my birth month, It's Mae.

3) Height
I, myself am 5'1

4) Shoe size
I'm a size 5 but sometimes a 6

5) Eye colour
I have blue eyes that have a green ring around the pupil.

6) Last time I cried.
Ooh getting into the deep stuff, last time I cried was this morning when my dad yelled at me 😂👏

7) Biggest fear
What even is my biggest fear? I think maybe abandonment? If not heartbreak.

8) Last song I listened to

9) Last person I texted
My bestie, he had a mention in the valentines thing lol, something like H@&#%€$

10) Favourite app
Got to be wattpad, I'm a book worm.


TAG 318 facts about myself

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18 facts about myself

1) I'm extremely lazy and unproductive

2) My OTP is Marichat

3) I'm ALWAYS tired

4) You know how I mentioned having a green ring around my pupils? I inherited it from my dad, my sister has the same thing but brown on green(same as my dad)

5) I'm compared to my sister A LOT.

6) I'm taller than the person who used to make fun of me for being short.


8) My fave food is Pretzels

9) My favorite weather is rain.

10) My favorite  season is Winter

11) Dis is ma fave song rn

12) I tend to doodle all over my work and my teachers hate it

13) My maths teacher sat me in the back corner of a classroom alone because she knows me so well :')

14) Sunday is my 'Productive day'

15) I have art block and writers block bipolar disorder, I have art highs where I can draw 24/7 and after those I can't draw for weeks, same with writing.

16) Purple is my favorite colour

17) My fave spot in the house is the bathroom floor

18) I gots blonde hair

I'm gonna tag 20 people, same as last time it's the first 20 people who show up
1) Azeki_Wisp
2) _HunnyBunny
3) aaestheticallypurple
4) -Plague-
5) Tris_Yokamere
6) DivinePumpkin
7) AceOfHearts666
8) PidgeH1
9) OliTheHippo
10) trixxletspounce
11) INeedHelpTTvTT
12) lordinneedhelp
13) thelittle__one
14) under_rated_mage
15) AlexandreaAndersen
16) AshStories24
17) SmootheeWrites
18) MagicGamer04
19) aphmau_shipper4life
20) TyffaniNye

If you were tagged, please answer theese 20 questions

1) Fave Weather
2) Fave band
3) Fave animal
4) Eye colour
5) OTP
6) Tidy or messy
7) Tacos or Burritos
8) Lazy or productive
9) First word that comes into your head
10) Fave song
11) Last person who texted you
12) Fave app
13) Fave Book
14) Fave writer (Wattpad or not)
15) Fave Disney movie
16) Netflix or Disney
17) Pretzels or Cookies
18) Black or Colour? (Clothing wise)
19) Black or blue jeans
20) Black or blue pen ink

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