Chapter One

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Aiden was at the gym in Austin Texas preparing for her fight that was on Saturday. She was sparring with her best friend Carson Austin who was the son of Stone Cold Steve Austin. They were in the middle sparring when two policemen walked in. Their coach pointed them over to where Carson and Aiden were. The cops walked over.
"Excuse me can we talk to Aiden for a couple minutes" one of cops said. Aiden and Carson stopped sparring.
"Sure. But Carson stays because whatever you say I will just tell him later because he is just like my brother." Aiden says sitting on the side of the grabbing her water bottle.
"That's fine. We are sorry to inform you but your mother Skye Borden was hit by a drunk driver she died on impact. We have already contacted your father Mark Calaway and he is on his way but he won't get here until tomorrow." The cops says.
"What about Jackson is he ok." Aiden says.
"Yes. He is in the car. Do you have anyone you can stay with?" The cop says that just as Carson's dad walks up.
"They can stay with me. I am Steve Austin. Carson's dad." Steve says.
"Ok. Jason go get the kid." The older cop says. By this time Aiden had broken down in Carson's arms.

An hour later we got to Steve's house. Carson and Jackson went to play with Carson's old action figures. Aiden walked over to Steve.
"Steve I should probably tell you who my dad is before he gets here tomorrow." Aiden says. Steve turned to Aiden.
"His name is Mark Calaway. You used to wrestle with him. I haven't seen or spoken to him since I was 2. I was born of an affair that my dad had. I also have an Uncle named Steve Borden also known as the icon Sting." Aiden says shocking Steve.
"I have heard your dad who is one of my best friend's talk about you. He has been trying see and talk to you for years but your mom wouldn't let him." Steve says.
"I never knew that. It doesn't change how I feel about him. I still don't want anything to do with him. I know that I don't have a choice now that mom is dead. Jackson is probably going to be living with my Uncle Steve." Steve nodded. With that being said. Aiden went to join Carson and Jackson.
Steve's phone rang he answered.
S: Hello.
M: Hey Steve. I am going to be in Austin tomorrow do you mind if I stop by.
S: No I don't mind. Mark I should probably tell you that your daughter Aiden isn't very happy about going to live with you.
M: You know my daughter how?
S: Aiden and my son Carson are best friends practly siblings. Aiden and her baby brother Jackson are staying at my house tonight until you and Steve Borden get here to get them.
M: The Icon Sting is their Uncle. I don't know anything about my daughter how am I going to connect with her.
S: Aiden loves Martial Arts and Wrestling. Aiden has been training for UFC since she was 5. Carson is her sparring partner. She has a fight on Saturday. She is to start fighting for UFC in 1 1/2 month when she turns 17. The only reason that she likes wrestling is because of Sting and The Shield.
M: Looks like I will have to find her someone to Spar with in Houston. How old is her brother?
S: He is 3.
M: What happened to his father.
S: He died when Jackson was 6 months old. He was a Marine.
M: Man that sucks. I will see you tomorrow.
S: Sounds good. Bye.
M: Bye.
Steve hung up.

Steve went to check on the kids and found them all in the backyard with Carson and Aiden teaching Jackson Martial Arts moves. Steve snapped a picture before sending it to Mark.

A couple hours later after dinner they all sat down to watch Monday night Raw.
"Come On Roman kick his ass." Aiden says as Roman faces off with Randy Orton. Aiden actually had a huge crush on him. An hour later they all went to bed.

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