Bai Cong pulled on his father's robes to get his attention.

Bai Gui felt something pulling on him and looked down. He saw his youngest son grabbing onto his clothes and chuckled. Bai Gui bent down and picked Bai Cong up.

"What's wrong?" He asked curiously.

Bai Cong hesitated for a second but still went through with his question, "Father, do you know a person by the name of Xiong Wei?"

"Xiong Wei? I can't say I've heard of a person who goes by that name," Bai Gui shook his head, "Why do you ask?"

Bai Cong described the boy to Bai Gui. Bai Gui listened with all his attention until Bai Cong was done.

"Although I haven't cared about news that doesn't pertain to our family, I know that Emperor Guan hasn't birthed another son in recent years," Bai Gui said with a thoughtful expression, "Why has he caught your attention?"

Bai Cong frowned and wondered if he should tell Bai Gui about the feeling he when he first laid eyes on the boy. But since he planned to kill him, he had to make sure there wouldn't be any repercussions that might befall on his family if he were to get rid of the boy.

"I had a feeling that the boy is dangerous," Bai Cong started, "I don't feel comfortable with him around."

"Is that so," Bai Gui said slowly, "Then what do you want to do?"

Bai Cong stayed silent and didn't answer but Bai Gui already knew what Bai Cong wanted to do. He looked out the window and we saw that the sun was about to set.

"I'm taking you somewhere," Bai Gui said as he walked to an open window. He climbed out with Bai Cong still being held in his arms and jumped onto the roof. He then floated into the sky and flew to the forest that surrounded the kingdom.

When Bai Gui landed on the ground floor, he set Bai Cong back down. He then bent back down and grabbed a small rock. He peered into the trees and flicked his wrist. The rock whistled as it flew into a certain direction.

"Come," Bai Gui beckoned Bai Cong to follow him to the place where he threw the rock.

Bai Cong followed him while trying to step carefully over the branches. He saw Bai Gui point to something hiding within the bushes. Bai Cong looked over and saw a man coming out of the leaves.

The man looked normal. He had no significant features and looked like a person you wouldn't be able to remember in a crowd.

"You see it right?"

Bai Cong nodded his head, not knowing what Bai Gui was planning to do.

"Kill it," Bai Gui ordered nonchalantly.

Bai Cong's eyes widened a bit. Although he has killed many people in his past life, that doesn't mean he killed people at random. The mysterious man hasn't done anything to him, so Bai Cong was a bit reluctant to pull his sword on him.

"Do it," Bai Gui demanded once again.

Bai Cong frowned but still pulled out his sword from his spatial ring. Based on his understanding of Bai Gui, Bai Cong knew he wasn't a tyrant and that he must have a reason of why he wanted him to kill the man.

Bai Cong ran up to the man with his sword at hand and slashed down. The man evaded but Bai Cong saw the direction he was going and changed the bend of his sword strike in a split second.

The sword caught the man's throat and Bai Cong pushed it in, directly killing the man.

Bai Cong then moved back a bit because he saw the image in front of him started to change. The man, who had just been laying on the ground with a pool of blood under him changed into a small, gray cat.

Bai Cong looked and the cat and then back at his father in in confusion.

"That was a low level illusion cat," Bai Gui explained. They can trick your eyes into thinking that you're seeing a person."

Bai Cong nodded his head. He had never seen an illusion cat before in his past life so this was a new experience for him.

"If you want to kill that boy, you need to know how to kill," Bai Gui said when he walked up behind Bai Cong, "Even though this wasn't a real person, it looked like a human before you killed it and that's what mattered. You have to be strong Cong'er," Bai Gui patted Bai Cong on his head.

Bai Cong narrowed his eyes. He understood why Bai Gui took him here. He already knew long ago that this a strong eat weak world.

"I can deal with the backlash if you were to kill the boy so just be careful," Bai Gui sighed as he looked at his youngest son who he felt was growing up too fast. But I this turbulent world, it was better to grow fast.

"Let's go, you'll have a long day tomorrow," Bai Gui picked Bai Cong up once more and flew back to the inn.

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