// C H A P T E R S I X T E E N //

Start from the beginning

Seeing her hesitation, he grabbed her hand and simply pulled her with him, "Enough of this. We've got things to do and places to be and we're gonna get started right now." He announced, smirking back at her, "You might get a little cold in that outfit though so we'll quickly go to my room and grab you something more to wear."

"Don't even begin to think that I wore this for you." She raised her eyebrows warningly, then explained, "Ella only packed incredibly skimpy outfits for me. This one's actually the one that shows the least."

He laughed as he opened his room's door, "Remind me to thank her then."

She shook her head at him, unable to contain a laugh herself, even though she desperately wanted to, "You're ridiculous." She muttered as it came out anyway.

"Ah there's that laugh again, I missed it." He smiled as he entered his room, coming out again shortly with something that vaguely represented an old rug held in his hands, but seemed to be considered a fur coat in the fashion world.

Lacey raised her eyebrows at him or more so at the thing that laid in his arms, "I am not wearing that."

He cocked his head, a slight smirk appearing on his lips, "It's not real fur if that's what you're concerned about."

She shook her head, "That's not what I meant, though it's certainly reassuring that it's not some dead animal that you're carrying there."

"Well then what's the problem?" He asked and looked down at the coat, clearly confused.

"Are you serious?" She laughed, "I mean look at it! It's fucking hideous!"

He pursed his lips, seemingly not too pleased with her making fun of his taste in fashion, "Are you making fun of the way I dress, Lace?"

Shaking her head, she couldn't stop the fits of laughter coming out of her mouth, not wanting to believe that the usually so fashionable Matthew Healy would have something that horrible in his wardrobe, "You don't seriously wear that rag out in public, do you?"

"First of all, this isn't a 'rag', this is a fake fur coat that cost quite some money, thank you very much." He noted dismissively, "Second of all, I look fucking amazing in that coat, I have been told so by several people, not only myself."

She rolled her eyes at him, "Oh from the tons of fangirls that want to hop into bed with you? How surprising."

"You want to fuck me just as much as they do." He challenged, somehow defending his fans in his own odd way.

Knowing that he must be expecting her to turn into her usual embarrassed self whenever sex was mentioned, she surprised him by saying, "But not with that thing on you."

Not even granting her the satisfaction of a reply, he simply shrugged out of his usual leather jacket and threw it over to her.

Expecting him to put on the coat instead, in order to prove his point, she was surprised when he stripped out of his floral shirt as well, revealing his skinny chest with all the tattoos that always seemed to captivate her.

Allowing her a moment to gawk at him, he smirked, "Done now, love?"

She rolled her eyes at his overly prominent self-confidence, "Don't flatter yourself, Healy. I was only admiring your tattoo artist's talents."

"Mhm, of course you were." He grinned, whilst finally putting on his coat.

There was nothing Lacey could do but stare. She couldn't believe that Matty even managed to make that old rag look like something you wanted to take off of him again in the next second, simply because he looked so damn attractive in it.

Lacey // (The 1975 / Matty Healy fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now