Chapter 9

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*That night*

Grace's POV

"We're here, baby" He woke me up. I felt odd. Almost like puking. My vision a little blurry. Why do I feel like I'm recovering from a hangover?

I try looking at him, to see that his lips looked a little more pinkish. Did he put on lipstick? I chuckled and pointed at his lips.

He laughed as well and we both headed inside. Where inside? I dunno. It seemed like an open restaurant, decorated with fairy lights, however, there was only one table. It was placed in the middle, under the spotlight. A smile came across my face, it seemed like a fairytale, unrealistic like a dream. He pulled out a chair for me and sat across.

"Mia! We're here" Jacob called out.

"Finally, here's the hangover soup you ordered" A girl came out carrying soup in one hand and a small purse in the other.

She looked stunning and also way older than either of us

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She looked stunning and also way older than either of us. Her smile was quite charming.

I said hello and she greeted me back with a smirk.

"Enjoy~," she said and left.

"So, Ms.Graceful, tell me the whole story of what happened 7 years ago" He said giving his full attention.

I drank a bit of my soup and began, "It was back when I stayed in California. There was a rumor, that every night at 2:55 a.m., a little girl used to come to our school. She was supposedly the daughter of the principal who died in the school fire. And I and my friend group that day decided to deem ourselves as the next 'Ghost Busters' and broke into our school" I took another sip of the soup and continued.

"And guess what? There was no security at night in our school so breaking in was easy. Which now seems very creepy and odd. There were four of us including me. We had a map of our school because, it was basically a maze in darkness. We split into two groups and continued our journey." I drank a bit more if soup.

"I and my friend continued 'til we got to an intersection. We split again and continued with our torches. Suddenly the temperature dropped, which was odd because it was mid-summer at the time. And even at night, it used to be quite hot. I looked at my watch to see it was 2:53 am. Scared, I tried to go back but it seemed useless. I look at it again, 2:55 am. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back only to see her." I couldn't go on. The memories have been refreshed, the same ones that I was trying to repress.

Suddenly Jacob held my hand and looked in my eyes, giving me comfort. I guess he saw the horror in my eyes.

"The pale skin, the bangs 'til her nose and the blood-splattered dress. In her hands a teddy bear, which looked as if it were skinned. She said the same thing again to me 'You're next'. After that she disapp--" I was cut off by an abrupt hug from Jacob. He was so warm. I hugged him back.

"You don't have to continue." He said calmly and pulled back. He took out his jacket and put it on me.

"Also, take this. This is one of the last things that my father gave to me before, well, dying" He said giving a weak smile and looking at the stars. He stood up and put it on me. It was a beautiful jade necklace.

"And this." He gave me a little booklet which he asked me to just keep in my pocket so I don't lose it.

"Look at the time, let's go!" He took my hand and lead me inside the place.

It was truly like a palace. The inside was golden, decorated beautifully with pictures and decoratives. The contrasting white and black designs on the walls. The stunning chandeliers. It was something magical. We got to the reception, there she was again. Mia or whatever.

"Hey Grace, heard a lot about you from this guy" Mia said looking at me and then Jacob.

"He's one of my very good friends and I'm happy that he found someone like you. You're quite pretty. But this little devil could be annoying so take good care of him" She added laughing.

"Oh, are you gonna bring my whole past now?" Jacob said sarcastically.

"I don't know, shall we?" Mia replied jokingly.

"Please, just show her to her room for tonight." Jacob requested.

"Alright then," Mia said winking at him and then looking at me again, "Let us go, sweetie"

I followed her up the stairs to a room, she opened it only to reveal one of the most aesthetic rooms yet. Even more perfect for a Potterhead!

There was a bed located in the middle of one corner of the room, two-bed side tables which had lamps and decoratives on them. A bookcase across the room that had all the books I loved. Another shelf that had Harry potter merch and figurines. There were presents on top of the bed wrapped beautifully in ombre wrapping paper. The ceiling had beautiful stars painted onto them, one the walls had a stunning stencil of a city night sky. It was stunning beyond words. There was also a computer desk, white in color, with some more decoratives. And to top it all off, there was a beautiful vanity.

"Like it?" Mia asked.

"Are you serious? This is stunning!" I replied excitedly.

"No I'm not Sirius but he is." Mia took out a little basket, which had an adorable black puppy, it's collar had the name "Sirius".

I hugged Mia out of adrenaline and also as a thank you.

"Oh, I'm happy that you like it!" Mia said patting my back.

"Thanks a lot, Mia" I thanked once again.

"Oh and change into that dress on your bed for the party tonight!" She said pointing towards my bed.

"Will do!" I said and Mia went out of the room leaving me with the puppy. I kept the puppy on my bed and took the dress to wear it.

"It's the best day ever!" I said to the puppy as it wagged its tail.

"Aren't you the cutest, Sirius? Well, there's also him but." I laughed.

My Dreams My Horror (Part 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora