First day

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Your POV
I walk into set for my first day a girl with blonde hair says "I'm lili!" I say "I'm Y/N.." she says "you seem shy let me show you around set so you can get to know people" I follow her and she says "this is the Wyrm it's a bar for the serpents in the show" I see four people outside we walk toward them Lili says "this is Jordan cole and skeet" I smile and say "I'm Y/N" Jordan says "well welcome to set." Cole smiles and me and skeet shakes my hand and says "hopefully you like working with us!" I smile and say "I hope I will." We walk towards the trailers and I see a film crew they say that they need me in makeup and hair lili shows me the trailer as I walk in I see two people they say "you must be Y/N!" I say "yes I am" I sit down as they do my makeup and hair someone else walks in while in costume it's Jordan and he says "you read the script right....because your first scenes are with me" I say "of course I did." I go to costumes and get out into a costume


I walk into set as they put me in place as he says "everyone quiet down we're about to start in

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I walk into set as they put me in place as he says "everyone quiet down we're about to start in...3...2....1,ACTION!"

Jordan walks up to me I have a hood up and say "yes?" He says "I need to ask something.." I say "what?" He says "come to riverdale...there's a chance for a new start..." I say "are you sure..?" He says "I'm sure of it cas." I take off my hood and pat his shoulder "I'll give it a chance." He walks off as the camera pans up "CUT!" I sigh and take a deep breath as I get stressed out from everything Jordan puts his hand on my shoulder and says quietly "listen when I first got here I was stressed and confused." I say "I get all worked up over this stuff.." he says "you did great.." I smile at him as we stand there someone says "that was a one take that was awesome" I guess that last the last scene for me I was told to stay for the whole day to learn my way around Jordan walks up to me and says "we're getting some food do you wanna join us?" I say "uh sure.." he holds out his hand I grab it he helps me up as he helps me up our faces get super close he backs up his face tinted pink we walk over to a group of people one with brownish red hair and one with black the guy with red hair says "I'm kJ" the one with black hair says "and I'm cami." We walk to McDonald's i see something out of the corner of my eye a car recklessly driving it goes into the pavement I scream as I cover my face I fell someone tackle me I open my eyes I see Jordan holding me he asks in a panic "are you okay?!"

(When something strange happens anyone else's POV will be shifted back a bit)

Jordan's POV
I see a car going towards Y/N she hasn't noticed yet I run towards her and as the car crashes I tackle her holding her I ask in panic "are you okay?!" She says "I-I think so I only hit my head a bit.." she sits up and I say "are you sure?" I see blood on her face I wipe the blood off her face as we get up I say "sorry if I hurt you..." she says "it's kinda saved me.." I smile at her lili and cole run towards us lili says "are you okay?!" Cole says "do you need help?!" I say "no it's fine.."

Your POV
I smile at him as I wipe the blood from my head I say "okay I'm hungry as hell,can we get food?" Jordan giggles a bit as we walk into McDonald's and sit down I eat my food we laugh and smile i get a text from Jordan (yes you got all there numbers)

This is kinda boring

yea I'm getting bored

There's a shop next door wanna go there?

Isn't that a clothing store?

Yea so?



We tell them that we're going next door and we walk in I see a jacket that I like and I try it on I say "I really want this but it's to much.." Jordan says "it's 20 dollars...I'll buy it" I say "no! you don't have to!" He says "fine I won't.."

Jordan's POV
She walks out and I still but the jacket for you the cashier says "buying secretly for you girlfriend?" I say "I guess you could say that." She smiles at me and says "that's adorable." I hide the bag in my jacket as I leave I see everyone leavening I run up to them and say "sorry I'm so slow!" Y/N turns around and says "I'll wait."I catch up to her and hand her the bag she looks in it and yells "OHMYGOD!" She hugs me and lili turns around confused Y/N kept hugging me and we fell down laughing and then it times out Y/N says "WE WILL CATCH UP!" They keep walking we get up and she says "thank you thank you!!" She's smiling ear to ear I say "your welcome!" She looks at me...she's so pretty...what am I thinking she's my co-worker! I can't help myself and I kiss her

Co-workers (Jordan Connor X reader). DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now